

Are komodo dragons prey

Updated: 12/10/2022
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13y ago

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Komodo dragons are predators, not prey. The bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Oh, Yes. Komodo Dragon has ravenous appetite - eats opossums, mallard ducks, otters, elephants, black swans, plovers, cormorants, female apes, squirrels, ibises, storks, llamas, mooses, hawks, wolves, beavers, bears, zebras, flamingoes, canarys, raccoons, cranes, and bluebirds.

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What hunts komodo dragons?

The Komodo dragon is an apex predator, and has no other predators. Adults will prey on the juveniles, and have a tendency to be cannibalistic.

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Saltwater crocodiles and mugger crocodiles prey on komodo dragons. Tigers and reticulated pythons are also possible enemies.

What are komodo dragons teeth used for?

Komodo dragons use their serrated teeth for ripping wounds in the flesh of their prey. They then drip the venom from gaps between their teeth into the wound to soon kill the prey.

Komodo dragons prey?

Komodo dragons are predators, not prey. The bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily.

What are burmese python enemies?

Crocodiles and Komodo dragons prey on burmese pythons.

Are komodo dragons predators?

Yes Komodo Dragons are very deadly predators. They have a very powerful bite and they have a nasty "venom" which is deadly bacteria in their saliva and when the prey is bitten, the saliva works on to the wound and easily kill the prey.

Do komodo dragons spit venom?

the komodo dragon does not have any poison or venom but it has bad bacteria in its seliva. the way the komodo dragon hunts its prey is by inflicting a single bite on to its victim and the victim slowly begins to lose its energy after that the komodo dragon stalks its prey until its prey hits the floor and finishes what it started

How do komodo dragons get water?

Komodos can extract up to 80% of their water needs from the flesh of prey.

What animal catches biggest prey compared to own size?

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