

Are labs good with children

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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They are awsome pets and a good companion to people so if your planning
to get one you will have a best friend for life.

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14y ago
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12y ago

yes. labs are verry good with kids!

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15y ago

Yes, they are great with kids

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Yes they are very friendly . but it depends on how you raise them and treat them . But they are very good with my niece .

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Probably, but then again maybe not. It depends on the dogs. Labradors are good dogs with everything: small animals, babies, name it!

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I have heard of black labs, and chocolate labs, and even golden labs, but never SILVER or CHARCOAL labs.

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The cast of Gamma Labs Presents Lyman Good - 2013 includes: Lyman Good as himself

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All Labs are ok with kids just never leave kids with animals by themselves.

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Yorkies and labs usually make very good pets together, both are friendly & loving dogs.

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Lab & golden retriever mix ,or Golden retrievers, Labs

Are black labs the best dogs for kids?

All Labs are good for kids. they are family dogs, and if you introduce them when the dog is young, and will even get along with a cat.

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Yes -- Creative Labs makes a quality range of speaker systems for computers.