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I can't think of any chicken breeds that would cause problems when put together - you just want to be careful with other species of birds, because they can transmit diseases to each other, among other things.

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Q: Are leghorn chickens allowed to live with isa brown chickens?
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How long do white leghorn chickens live?

I've had a white leghorn for eight years now. Others haven't lasted so long and Whitey has had a few sick times in the past but she responds well to a bit of TLC. I expect 8 years is exceptional.

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Where do 'chickens' live?

In a chicken coop/ chicken yard/ barn.they also live in the mountains in NepalChicken coops

What breeds of chickens are good with children?

I have found that Rhode Island reds are great with the kids,If you live in Australia Brown Iris" are exellant pets.

Do chickens live in a lodge?

They usually live in what is called a chicken coop. Some are allowed to run free (free range) during the day but are shut up at night for their own safety.

Where to chickens live on the farm?

Chickens live in a coop, which is like a small house for chickens with nest boxes for them to lay eggs in and perches for them to sleep on.

Do chickens live in the peidmont?

Chickens live almost everywhere. Chickens as a species are adaptable and can be raised anywhere and often where most other animals could not live. If you are referring to the American Piedmont stretching from New Jersey to Alabama then yes, chickens live in the Piedmont.

Do chickens live on Antarctica?

No, chickens can't live in Antarctica. It's too cold there for any animal to live on the continent.

What is the wildest animal you are allowed to have in your house?

Well it depends on where you live. Some places you can have dogs cats or chickens. Capybara is the most unusal animal you can have most places.