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They can be playful and they don't need as much care as most lizards but still need care.

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Q: Are leopard geckos playful and are they expensive to look after?
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What do you do when you've lost your leopard gecko?

Search under things because leopard geckos will look for dark cave-like spaces to hide in.

What does a black leopard gecko look like?

a leopard looks like a panther but has spots on it...well its kind of hard to explain, I would look it up on google

What kind of leopard gecko has yellow spots on its tail?

Leopard Geckos come in a multitude of different colors, called morphs. Look into a "leopard Gecko Morph guide" to determine which morph you have.

What is the shape of a leopard geckos ear?

Its a small, circular hole on each side of the lizard's head. If you look at it in the right angle, you can see straight through the ears!

Leopard geckos look like?

They are fairly small and have very dark eyes. They are yellow with black spots (Thats where the "leopard" comes from) They can be quite long and have very thick tails that can detach if they need to lose some weight to escape from a predator.

What animals are related to a gecko?

=Yes because they have the same body features.=

If two male leopard geckos are put in the same cage will they fight?

yes even if they grow up together they will fight to the death

What do leopard geckos need?

Look at the question "how do you make a habitat for a leopard gecko". They also need crickets, meal worms, calcium/ multivitamins, and a spray bottle that's able to mist. The crickets need food, and a water source (such as a water pillow, or orange cubes).

Do leopard geckos live in the desert or rainforest?

They are Desert animals. Dont put them in a Tropical environment. I dont know how that would work out. For more info on how to care for them just look up 'Leopard Gecko Caresheet' onlne somewhere. It's easier than waiting for a answer on here.

What do Gecko look like?

They're like little robin eggs except they're white.

What can geckos eat other than insects?

In what I know, leopard geckos eat veggies. I hope that helps! leopard geckos still eat insects. go with a crested gecko they can eat crested gecko diet, that is powder that you mix with water and they eat fruit and yogurt but mainly feed him the diet, and if you can try giving him a cricket or two every two weeks but its not nessesary, they're better than leopard geckos cause of their diet, and while a leopard gecko would sit and look pretty a crested gecko actually moves, their housing is usually cheaper because they're aborial and need a tall tank insted of a long one like a leopard gecko's. and rainforest tanks for cresteds look better than desert style tanks for leopard geckos. and cesteds come in more varieties including yellow with black spots if you like the leopard look, to me they are better to handle when you learn how to handle them than leopards, just observe tem in the tank and watch the pose they go into before they jump that way when you handle them you can know when to stop them and block their path before they jump, don't worry they take their sweet time in getting ready for a jump, but for safety handle them close to the floor and preferably over carpet hope this helps you

Are gecko leashes okay for geckos?

Yes. As long as you don't make it too tight on your gecko. Don't leave it on him/she for too long. (For more information, look up How do you make a leopard gecko leash)