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No, take for example hydrochloric acid (HCl). Because the two atoms are in a covalent bond and have different electronegativities, the chlorine atom is slightly negative and the hydrogen positive respectively.

Therefore, one end of the linear molecule (because two atoms are always linear) is slightly negative, and the other is slightly positive, making it a polar molecule.

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Q: Are linear molecules always nonpolar
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Molecules that do not have oppositely charged ends are nonpolar molecules.

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Nonpolar molecules have no net dipoles. The most common nonpolar molecules are hydrocarbons. These are molecules made entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

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Nonpolar molecules have no net dipoles. The most common nonpolar molecules are hydrocarbons. These are molecules made entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

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In the linear configuration, the bond dipoles cancel. Thus, the configurations of molecules with a bond dipole must be tetrahedral and linear respectively.

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Hydrocarbons are nonpolar molecules.