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Lions do shed

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Q: Are lion head rabbits no good for people with allergies Do they shed?
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Do lion head rabbits eat grass?

yes, lion head rabbits eat grass!

How does acupuncture help with allergies?

Yes, acupuncture greatly helps with allergies. Acupuncture can improve the way the immune system works. Allergies are a problem with the way your immune system works. It will treat the points that stimulate the nervous system in turn it helps to control the allergies. Mainly using a point in the head or back of the head treat allergies.

Which months are rabbits eatable?

Rabbits are edible all year long. All you have to do is clean the diseased rabbit thoroughly. No ticks, mites, blood, fur, head, anal, and you should be good.

How many babies can lion head rabbits have at once?

lion head rabbits are one of the most gentle breeds of rabbit and beautiful looking! They are excellent with children and have soft fur, which needs a brush onece in a while. may not be good for people with allegies as of there fur. Lion head rabbits have the same amount of babies as other rabbits 1-18, but alot have 5-8, but it depends on how many times they are mated. they make EXCELLENT mothers proberly due to there gentle nature.

Can rabbits eat gourds?

yes they can but not all rabbits like the taste

Why are rabbits feet considered to be lucky?

rabbits feet arnt really lucky people just say that because they believe in superstitonTo tell you the truth... they're not. Luck is just a legend to keep people's head in the clouds(so to say)

What are the symptoms for corn allergies?

Head aches, stomach aches, exzema

Where do rabbits like to be stroked?

mainly their head and back

Why cant you get your rabbits head wet?

you can, if you put water on it

Can male and female lion head rabbits stay in the same hutch?

If they are, they'll breed, they you get more rabbits. THen they'll breed. Not a good situation.

Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head?

so that he would have Hare!!

What if lion-head rabbits gets fleas?

Call your local vet.