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no, some people fall in love and get married but then realize it wont work because of there problems whether its money or family issues.

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Q: Are love marriages always successful
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Related questions

Which marriage is better love or arrange?

Falling in love or having an arranged marriage depends on an individual's preference. In the United States, arranged marriage is a dated concept.

What is the success rate of love marriages and arrange marriages?

Success rate of love marriages is as good or as bad as arranged marriages.

What is the conclusion of arrange and love marriages?

I prefer love marriages.

Are love marriages successful or not?

Yes. At least it's a good start. However there are no guarantees and both partners must work at the relationship.

Why are love marriages better than proposal marriages?

When you found someone that you love all's perfect.

Do love marriages cause more divorces then Arranged marriages?

No. They're about the same.

Which type of marriages are successful love or arranged?

It's really hard to say which kind of marriage is more successful, because even if you look at stats related to the question, multiple factors influence the results. For example, arranged marriages aren't that common in the US, but divorce is nothing to be ashamed of. Whereas in other countries, divorce s out of the question, while arranged marriages are very common. So how would you measure success? I think that it depends on the two people marrying whether or not their marriage will be successful.

Love marriages hearts the parents?

this question does not make sense! do love marriages hurt the parents? i hope that a couple getting married for love is not hurting anyone...

What countries favor love marriages?

I think it is USA, Canada, England and France. I believe France heavily favor love marriages.

What percent of same-sex marriages are successful?

There are no real statistics as gay marriage has not been legal for a long enough time. However, it is estimated that same-sex marriages are more successful than opposite-sex marriages, so the success rate has to be more than 50%.

Were there any examples in Jane Austen's writing of successful marriages entered into without much love?

Yes, in Jane Austen's writing, there are examples of marriages entered into without much love that are successful, such as Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins in "Pride and Prejudice." Charlotte chose to marry for security and practical reasons rather than love, and their marriage is portrayed as stable and functional.

Are love marriages better than proposal marriages?

not necessarily, sometimes proposal marriages involve love enough to work just aswell. Proposals often add more pressure onto a relationship though. But if theres a lot of love go for a proposal.