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yes, as far as I know, you can try e-cigarette with no nicotine. People call it novocig. It can help people quit smoking to some extent!

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Q: Are low tar cigarettes healthier for youth to smoke?
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Using low tar nicotine cigarettes is a safe way to smoke?


Can second hand meth smoke make you test positive?

If you breathe in a lot of it then yes you can test positive but the count would be low. Same with marijuana or anything else that can be smoked. Kinda like cigarettes, when you're around cigarettes you inhale second hand smoke and that effects you too.

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A national study suggests that low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users' lungs than exposure to tobacco.

What would be the advantages to a smoker who used a Green Smoke electronic cigarette?

The advantages to a smoker who used a Green Smoke electronic cigarette include a cigarette breath free experience and low prices. Another advantage is no risk of fire from cigarettes.

Has the use of low nicotine cigarettes has helped people avoid becoming addicted to cigarettes?

No, low nicotine cigarettes does not prevent anyone from being addicted as nicotine whether taken in small or large amount will do harm if used in tobacco cigarette so the only solution to this is electronic cigarette as it contains nicotine to a extremely small amount but without any tobacco thus one smoke as much as it can. Electronic cigarettes produces zero tar so it is totally safe.

What are myths and misconception of smoking?

Changing to low-tar cigarettes are safer. (Myth) Actually, that is not true. Because it cotains less tar, smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the ar deeper into their lungs. Just remember this, no cigarette is safe to smoke. By: 11 year old girl. Changing to low-tar cigarettes are safer. (Myth) Actually, that is not true. Because it cotains less tar, smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the ar deeper into their lungs. Just remember this, no cigarette is safe to smoke. By: 11 year old girl.

Are headaches a side effect of smoking?

the carbon monoxide in the cigarette is being exposed to the body in low amounts. therefore, the body reacts by having headaches.

How can I make my heart healthier?

Yes there are differnent types of heart disease. For good heart health make sure you exercise and eat a low fat low colestrol diet. Keep an eye on you blood pressure too. Don't smoke and keep your weight down.

Is smoking cigarettes considered suicide?

Not in the literal sense.Suicide is the deliberate act of taking one's own life.Although smoking has been proven that it can be detrimental to the smoker and the people who inhale "second hand smoke".You tell me how people die in fires.Most people die of inhaling smoke in house fires. Because the smoke will get into your lungs faster than the fire will burn you alive. That's why they tell you to get down low. Because the smoke raises. Isn't smoke, smoke?When you inhale too much smoke, you can die. When you smoke, the smoke gets into your system, and that's why some smokers can die at a young age. Smoking can be suicide because it can harm you, and eventually kill you.I believe it could be considered suicide If you smoke with intent on ending your life earlier. But who really doesn't already know cigarettes will do that?

What is healthier - living at low or high altitude?

High altitude

Is ice cream healthier than low fat yogurt?

Yes i do think it is healthier than low fat yogurt! I am inclined to think that it is not because ice cream has a larger variety of disagreeable fats in it then low fat yogurt.

Why will eating a low carbohydrate diet be a healthier one?

it won't be, you won't have enough energy to function properly... *trick question* a low-fat diet will be a healthier one depending on your weight however