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Macular holes are often mistaken as macular degeneration or AMD which is age associated macular degeneration but they are in fact two totally different conditions and require two completely different treatments as AMD has two forms which are the wet type and the dry type and are caused usually by a build up of calcium and plaques over the macular which is the part of the retina that controls your central vision and is usually asociated with age and occurring usually in people over 55 years of age and macular holes are caused by the stretching or pulling of the macular and the hole occurs when the macula splits at its centre. It is caused by the jelly within the eye which is called the vitreous pulling on the macula

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Q: Are macular holes the same as macular degeneration or AMD?
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What kinds of macular degeneration are there?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is by far the most common type of MD.

When is the onset of age-related macular degeneration?

People in their 60s may experience the first signs of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

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macular degeneration difference between wet and dry

What is age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

Macular Degeneration or Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a condition that blurs central vision. This happens when the macula, which is the portion of the eye responsible for clear & sharp vision gets damaged due to aging or other factors. AMD is a common & leading cause of vision impairment in older adults. Although it may not cause blindness, it can affect your ability to read, see faces, drive, and do work like cooking or fixing things around your house. The speed of degeneration varies & can occur very slowly in some people, and much faster in others. Early AMD may not cause vision loss. It is important to have regular eye examinations to determine if you have AMD. Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects.

What causes age-related macular degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) appears to result from a combination of hereditary, environmental, and metabolic factors. Over time, highly reactive free-oxygen radicals damage and destroy macular cells.

What are the risk factors of Age Related Macular Degeneration?

Macular Degeneration or Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a condition that blurs central vision. This happens when the macula, which is the portion of the eye responsible for clear & sharp vision gets damaged due to aging or other factors. AMD is a common & leading cause of vision impairment in older adults. Although it may not cause blindness, it can affect your ability to read, see faces, drive, and do work like cooking or fixing things around your house. As you age, your risk of developing AMD increases. Age Related Macular Degeneration is more common in people over the age of 55. It is usually seen with people who: • Have Macular Degeneration in the family • Smoke • Obesity and weight related issues • Cardiac problems Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects. It is imperative to get regular eye exams if you're at high risk of AMD due to your age, family history or other factors. Early AMD is not accompanied by any symptoms so don't wait until your vision changes.

Are there any Ayurvedic hospitals that treat macular degeneration?

Macular Degeneration or Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a condition that blurs central vision. This happens when the macula, which is the portion of the eye responsible for clear & sharp vision gets damaged due to aging or other factors. AMD is a common & leading cause of vision impairment in older adults. Although it may not cause blindness, it can affect your ability to read, see faces, drive, and do work like cooking or fixing things around your house. The speed of degeneration varies & can occur very slowly in some people, and much faster in others. Early AMD may not cause vision loss. It is important to have regular eye examinations to determine if you have AMD. If you or someone you know suffers from Macular Degeneration, there is hope. Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects. Each patient is treated with the utmost care after carefully understanding their history. It is imperative to get regular eye exams if you're at high risk of AMD due to your age, family history or other factors. Early AMD is not accompanied by any symptoms so don't wait until your vision changes.

Is there any cure for macular degeneration, wet or dry, or is there anything that can improve it?

The stage and type of AMD will determine the treatment. Early AMD is not currently treated. Your eye doctor will likely just monitor your eyes with regular eye exams. It is important to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and quit smoking. Special dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals) may be helpful if you have intermediate AMD in one or both eyes. These supplements can slow down AMD in the other eye if you have only late AMD in one eye. Late dry AMD is currently not treated. However, researchers are working hard to find treatment options. You can also get support to live with vision loss caused by AMD. If you or someone you know suffers from Macular Degeneration, there is hope. Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects. Each patient is treated with the utmost care after carefully understanding their history. It is imperative to get regular eye exams if you're at high risk of AMD due to your age, family history or other factors. Early AMD is not accompanied by any symptoms so don't wait until your vision changes. There are a number of things you can do to prevent Macular Degeneration: Quit Smoking Have a healthy diet Speak to your doctor and take necessary suppliments Get your blood pressure under control Keep your cardiac health under check Avoid sun exposure and wear sunglasses

How do you treat Age Related Macular Degeneration Naturally?

The stage and type of Age Related Macular Degeneration will determine the treatment. Early AMD is not currently treated. Your eye doctor will likely just monitor your eyes with regular eye exams. It is important to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and quit smoking. Special dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals) may be helpful if you have intermediate AMD in one or both eyes. These supplements can slow down AMD in the other eye if you have only late AMD in one eye. Late dry AMD is currently not treated. However, researchers are working hard to find treatment options. You can also get support to live with vision loss caused by AMD. If you or someone you know suffers from Macular Degeneration, there is hope. Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects. Each patient is treated with the utmost care after carefully understanding their history. It is imperative to get regular eye exams if you're at high risk of AMD due to your age, family history or other factors. Early AMD is not accompanied by any symptoms so don't wait until your vision changes.

How soon will you have vision loss with dry macular degeneration?

You are asking the million dollar question that everyone with dry macular degeneration (AMD) wants to know. Unfortunately, this retinal condition is not that predictable. Dry macular degeneration is the less severe form of AMD. Vision loss is insidious and gradual - objects appear a bit blurred and less distinct, colors are not as bright and vivid, there is more sensitivity to glare or adjusting one's vision going from bright outdoor light to a darker space. For the vast majority of people with dry AMD it does not progress to wet AMD which causes a more sudden and severe form of vision loss. Objects look distorted and a gray or black smudge appears right in the middle of one's vision - making it difficult to recognize someone's face or read a book.

How does a blind chef cook?

There are varying levels of blindness. It is a common assumption that blindness means no sight at all. e.g. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Diabetic retinopathy, Cataracts,

Can the damage from Age related macular degeneration be stopped if the condition is diagnosed early?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye disease that affects millions of people worldwide. AMD is a progressive condition that damages the macula, a small area in the retina responsible for central vision. The damage caused by AMD can lead to loss of central vision and can even cause blindness. However, the good news is that if AMD is diagnosed early, the damage can be stopped or slowed down. In this article, we will explore how AMD develops, the types of AMD, and the treatments available for AMD. How AMD develops? AMD develops when the macula, a small area at the center of the retina, is damaged. The macula is responsible for sharp central vision that allows us to see fine details. The damage to the macula is caused by the buildup of waste products called drusen, which leads to the death of the cells in the retina. At present, no treatment is available for dry age-related retinal degeneration However vision rehabilitation programs, low-vision devices, and vision rehabilitation programs can be used in order to develop visual skills, improve daily living, and adapt to life with AMD. If you or someone you know suffers from Macular Degeneration, there is hope. Sanjeevan Netralaya has treated thousands of patients with Macular Degeneration effectively with Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment that causes absolutely no side effects. Each patient is treated with the utmost care after carefully understanding their history. It is imperative to get regular eye exams if you're at high risk of AMD due to your age, family history or other factors. Early AMD is not accompanied by any symptoms so don't wait until your vision changes.