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Q: Are magnets heavier than the objects they attract?
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Is big magnets stronger than small magnets?

No.You should find how much it can attract other things.

In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects?


Do heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects in free fall?


Why do lighter objects fly slower than heavier objects?

they have less mass. heavier objects have a great mass so it gets pulled down faster..... by a little thing called......gravity!

Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects when on a parachute?

Assuming the parachutes are the same size, then yes.

In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects A True b false?


What law says that heavier objects require more than lighter objects to move or accelerate them?

second law

Do positive and negative magnets attract or positive and positive or negative and negative?

polar opposites attract. that's where the phrase "opposites attract" comes from.AnswerThere are no such things as 'positive' or 'negative' magnets, other than in the minds of magnetic therapists who seem to have very little scientific knowledge of magnetism! Magnetic poles, not magnets, are named after the directions in which the point when freely suspended -i.e. north and south.

Why heavier objects fall faster than do lighter objects?

They don't. All objects fall at the same rate of speed because of weight.

Are repelling magnets stronger than attracting magnets?

No. The same two magnets can either repel each other or attract each other, depending on how you turn them. The force is the same either way.

Why do some objects float and others do not?

because some objects are much denser(heavier) than water so they sink

Why do heavy objects sink in water?

Objects sink in water because they are denser than water, not necessarily because they are heavier.