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Mammals and animals can be the same thing.

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Q: Are mammals and animals contrast
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Are we animals or mammals?

We are mammals, and mammals are one category of animal, so we are both animals and mammals.

Are humans mammals or animals?

Both. Humans are animals in the order Mammalia. All mammals are animals, but not all animals are mammals.

Are all sea animals mammals?

No, all sea animals are not mammals. Fishes are not mammals, but dolphins are mammals.

compare and contrast the way birds and mammals reproduce?

birds are different than mammals

Are opossum animals or mammals?

possums are BOTH! mammals ARE animals! all mammals, reptiles, and amphibians and so on are ALL animals.

Compare and contrast mammals and fish?

Fish do not give live birth, most mammals do. Fish do not nurse their young, mammals do.

What types of animals are warmblooded?

Animals that are warm-blooded are the mammals and birds.Mammals.

Are humans animals and why?

Yes, OF COURSE!!! Because humans are mammals and mammals are animals!

Are snakes mammals or animals Not reptiles?

Snakes are reptiles. Both mammals and reptiles are animals.

Are hoof animals mammals?

Hoofed animals are mammals, yes. Clawed animals, yes, but not lizards and newts or amphibians.

Are we all animals?

yes because mammals are animals and humans are mammals so there for everything is a animal.

Do animals have peirods?

Not all animals, but most mammals do, hence why people have periods (people=mammals)