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no they did not they where alive with the reptiles

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Q: Are mammals evolved from early reptiles?
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What type of mammals are closely related to reptiles?

All mammals evolved from a common ancestor, which was the very first mammal. That very first mammal had evolved from reptiles. As such, all mammals are equally related to reptiles.

Did amphibians and mammals descend from reptiles?

Reptiles evolved from a group of reptiliomorph amphibians in the Carboniferous period. Mammals evolved from a groupof synapsidreptiles in the Jurassic period.

What is the order which vertebrates evolved?

Fish - amphibians - reptiles; and from the reptiles birds and mammals.

What are the 2 major vertebrates that evolved from reptiles?

Both mammals and birds are descended from reptiles.

Did fish evolve from early reptiles?

no, the reptiles evolved from fish

Which type of critter did birds and mammals evolve from?

Birds and mammals both evolved from reptiles.

Why aren't dinosaurs mammals?

Dinosaurs and mammals evolved from two separate branches of reptiles. Mammals evolved from synapisid reptiles (all of which are not extinct) while dinosaurs along with the modern branches of reptiles evolved from sauropsids. So dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles than they are to mammals. In more recent years scientist tend to agree that birds are in fact a surviving branch of dinosaurs.

Were dinosaurs the only warm blooded reptiles are were there more?

There were more. In the Permian, Triassic, and early Jurassic periods there were mammal-like reptiles from which true mammals evolved, some of which were likely warm blooded.

Did mammals evolve from dinosaurs?

No. Mammals evolved from synapsid reptiles, a group not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles and birds than they are to mammals.

Why are some mammals that lay eggs classified as mammals?

Monotremes lay eggs, as do reptiles. Monotremes' limbs go outward (rather than downward) from their main body, which is also true for reptiles. Monotremes lack a corpus callosum (which placental mammals have), as do reptiles. Monotremes and reptiles both have cloacas, while placental mammals have separate openings for urination and defecation. This evidence all shows monotremes to be a link between reptiles and mammals, but we now think that monotremes just evolved from an earlier branching from the mammalian tree of lineage than the marsupials and placental mammals evolved from. Monotremes are not a link between reptiles and mammals.

Which group of vertebrates evolved after fish?

Amphibians, then reptiles, birds, and finally mammals!

What is the purpose of mammals?

There is no real purpose of mammals. Fish grew legs, becoming amphibians which evolved into reptiles which eventually evolved into small rodents such as a mole or rat.