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Answer:Mammoths are extinct. Scientists are trying to breed or clone mammoths back into existence by taking DNA from frozen carcasses found frozen in glaciers and with this DNA, they are trying to impregnate elephants with the DNA. They feel in less than 10 generations, they can get a 75% mammoth creature. I will research a link for this question. Results will follow.

There is much speculation however if one does still exist. Many people claim to have "seen" the majestic beast, but none have no real evidence. More answers at

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Q: Are mammoths still alive
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There are none still alive. who knows how many are under the ice in Antarctica they have find one but it was dead they are trying to use it DNA to bread with elephants

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Are mammoths alive?

Mammoths are considered extinct, although there are a few people who claim to have seen them in remote areas.

Are wooly mammoths part of the elephant family?

Yes. They're part of the taxonomic family of elephans (elephantidae). Mammoths have their own genus which many difference species of mammoths were part of, but still unlike modern elephants, they all were still mammoths.

Does mammoths exist?

Alive today - no. As fossils and mummified remains - yes.

Are mammoths still living today?

no, but there are elephants that still thrive.

Are mammoths still on the Earth?

no they are gone dead

Were mammoths alive in the cretacous period?

In short, no. The Cretaceous period ended 65.5 million years ago, and mammoths first evolved about 5 million years ago.

Animals back when neanderthals were alive?

During the time when Neanderthals were alive, various animals shared their environment, such as mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, cave lions, cave bears, and saber-toothed cats in Europe. In other regions, animals like giant ground sloths, mastodons, and dire wolves would have inhabited the areas where Neanderthals lived. Neanderthals would have hunted these animals for food and materials.

Are there still mammoths on Earth today?

Dear Reader, I would like to know does mammoths still live on Earth today. If so how many are there? I'm a eighth grade and I'm just curious.

Where did the mammoth live?

They are now extinct but when they were alive their territory ranged across North America and northern Eurasia .

Are cro magnon still alive?

No, Cro-Magnon Homo sapiens are not still alive today. They were an early form of modern humans who lived in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic period, around 40,000 years ago. The descendants of Cro-Magnon people are believed to have integrated and interbred with other populations, contributing to the genetic diversity of modern humans.