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Men are because are only distracted by radio and their wife/girlfriend. Women on the other hand are distracted by their make up, nails, hair, as well as the radio and talking without making any sense for long periods of time.

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Q: Are man better than women with driving cars?
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no, because self driving cars are ALOT more computerized... therefore, there is a bigger chance in a computer malfunction.

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No because in motorcycle accidents, more people lost their lives rather than car accidents. Cars are better than motorcycles because they are safer.

Are men better drivers than women?

No, both men and women tend to be equally inattentive when driving,but men brive wildely and women drive carefullymen are more likely to be more aggressive and give in to road rage.According to the experts women are. We aren't as hotheaded as men and not as competitive.Men are better drivers because woman are focus on their makeup and how they look.Men don't wear makeup or care how they look.In conclusion men are better drivers.