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Q: Are members in the legistative branch elected or appointed?
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Related questions

What branch of Government has members that are appointed but not elected?

The judiciary branch is the only branch of government that is appointed. The President appoints members for life.

Who appoints members of the judicial branch in Pennsylvania's government?

They are elected and not appointed.

Do you get elected or appointed to be in the judicial branch?

get appointed

How many members are there in judicial branch?

There are nine members of the Supreme Court. They are not elected to the post, but are appointed by the president as seats become available.

How are leaders of the executive branch put into place?

The president and Vice President are elected, but other cabinet members are appointed.

How do you get elected to be part of the judicial branch?

Most members of the judicial branch are not elected. In the federal judicial system, the judges are appointed by the President of the United States and approved by Congress. A majority of states share this system, except the judge would be appointed by the governor.

Which branch have legislative power?

legistative branch

Who appoints top members of the executive branch?

Legal voters vote for the president which tells the electoral collge which cantidate to vote for. Once the president is elected, they appoint his/her cabinet, providing the judicial branch agrees with the appoinent.

Are cabinet members the leaders of the US House of Representatives?

No. Cabinet Members are appointed by the sitting President to serve in the Executive Branch of government. The US House of Representatives is part of the Legislative branch, and the House leaders are elected by members of that body.

Is the leader of the House of Representatives an appointed cabinet member?

No. The leader (Speaker) of the House of Representatives is elected by members of the House who, in turn, are elected by the voters in their congressional districts. The President appoints cabinet members to serve in the Executive Branch of government; the House of Representatives is in the Legislative Branch.

What branch is the house of represenatives in?


How can you be elected for the Judicial branch?

Local judges are generally elected, but federal judges are appointed.