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If you mean do they bite or sting, no. They don't have the requisite parts for it. They are toxic, though, since they feed on the poisonous Milkweed plant. Don't eat them.

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Q: Are monarch butterflies harmful to humans?
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Do humans harm monarch butterflies?

yes :[

Is the nectar that monarch butterflies eat poisonous to humans?


How can humans and monarch butterflies be similar?

Well, this is a pretty hard question, but when I first saw this question I thought that the name 'monarch' butterflies referred to kings or queens. And it is true, monarch butterflies are the true kings and queens of the butterfly family.

Does Jamaica have monarch butterflies?

no jamaca does not have monarch butterflies however they do pass by while migrating.

Why do monarch butterflies migrate to mexico?

the monarch butterfly

Do monarch butterflies have bones?

Monarch butterflies do not have bones like humans. Monarchs are insects which have exoskeletons instead. Exoskeletons are like having plates of armor made of bone (or in this case, made of chitin) on top of your body instead of inside it.

Do monarch butterflies migrate through Colorado?

Some monarch butterflies do indeed migrate through the state of Colorado. Monarch butterflies migrate to warmer regions during the winter.

What are the monarch butterflies closes relatives?

Monarch butterflies are large, black and orange in color with white spots. Monarch butterflies closest relatives are the milkweed butterflies.

What is the relationship between monarch butterflies and other insects?

Humans and butterflies are classified as animals... there their similarities end (except for the similarities among all living organisms)

Are monarch butterflies warm or cold blooded?

Monarch butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

Are monarch butterflies social?


Are monarch butterflies extinct?
