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Mono- and diglycerides refers to a mixture of certain types of chemicals. Gluten is a protein, and is not included in those types.

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Q: Are mono and diglycerides trans fats?
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What are mono and diglycerides?

Mono and diglycerides both attract and repel water. This property is important for their use in fast food so the fats will combine with water..

Is mono-diglycerides bad for your heart?

Mono-diglycerides is another name for hydrogenated oils. The mono means they are a combination of various oils mixed, hydrogenated, then diglycerides are then separated out.

Is mono and diglycerides halal?

Mono and Diglyceride haram

Is mono-diglycerides bad for you?

Monodiglycerides and diglycerides are said to be bad for the health because it contains trans fat which is associated with diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. These are additives used to preserve food and extend its shelf life.

How much trans fat does a piece of bacon have?

There is no trans fat in bacon. It only has saturated fat and the other two healthiest fats: mono and poly unsaturated fats.

What is e 471?

Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

What are the side effects of mono- and diglycerides?

2 days after eating something containing mono & diglycerides, my muscles begin to cease up, tightening until they tear or dislocate my joints

What are the two basic fats?

The two basic types of fats are 1) Saturated fat and 2) Trans fat. Avoid trans fat in your diet as it is proved that it is not very healthy for the body. Saturated fat in moderate quantity is not a problem. If diet has mono saturated and mono unsaturated types of fat, they are known as healthy fats when taken in small amounts.

What is another term for pork?

mono and diglycerides, anything with a color and a number by it, mono sodium glutamate... that's what i have so far...

What are the types of fats?

Poly-unsaturated Mono-unsaturated Saturated

What are the good fats?

These are mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Examples: fats from nuts, seeds, seeweed, vegetables oils, etc.

What are the health issues on margerine vs butter?

Butter often provides more saturated fats than margarine, but margarine often provides more trans fat than butter. The best option is usually to select a margarine without trans fats. Some margarines also have added "healthy fats" such as mono and polyunsaturated fats. Take Control and SmartBalance are good options.