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Monosaccharides are simple sugars with three to seven carbon atoms in its carbon skeletons. They are absorbed in the blood because, most organisms use glucose (which is also referred to as blood sugar) as a source of energy. The energy in glucose, and in all molecules, is contained in the atoms and bonds of the molecule itself.

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Q: Are monosaccharides absorbed in blood or lymph?
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What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph caillaries?

Fluids and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries are called lymph.

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Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed in the ileum. Fat enters the lacteals of villi, which empty the lacteals into the lymph vessels. Transport of fat in lymph may reduce risk of plaque arteries.

What is the Difference between blood and lymph?

lymph caries digested and absorbed fat from intestine and drains excess fluid from extra cellular space back into blood. Lymph is basically blood plasma without the blood cells, the fluid that is forced out of capillaries to clean and nourish cells. The part of it that does not return to the blood vessels is picked up by lymph vessels and eventually returned to the blood.

Where does lymph come from?

Lymph comes from the interstitial fluids spaces in blood where interstitial fluid is found. Lymph is composed mainly of white blood cells.

What is difference between serum and lymph?

Serum is in the blood vessels (circulating blood). Lymph is the plasma that diffuses through the arteries (used to be part of the blood) into the lymph system. Once it flows through the lymph system, it will rejoin with blood through veins.

What fluid forms lymph?

Lymph is basically the same as the plasma from the blood. Lymph is formed when plasma leaks out of blood vessels into the interstitial space.