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Q: Are more boys or girls born in March?
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Are there more boys or girls in 2009?

Usually, there are more boys being born than girls... There are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls

How many more girls are than boys Or boys than girls?

Really, there are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls.

How many more boys than the girls in the world?

More boys are born than girls, however they are more prone to death in the womb. Every three girls a boy is born. I think this is correct. You may want to research this to double check Really, there are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls. A: the person who answered it before me is right sorta because boy just keep on getting born and girls keep on being born so you dont really know but there are more boys that girls unless girls keep getting born and catch up to boys.

Is there more girls or boys in the world?

Yes, I do believe that there are more girls in the world, not too sure.

There is more boys or girls?

there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')

Who has more hair girls or boyS?

Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!

Are boys more common than girls?

There are about 105 boys born for every 100 girls. But, boys are more frail than girls and less likely to survive, so as the years pass it reverses and there become more females than males

Who spend more money girls or boys?

undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.

Are there more girls than boys in 2012?

their are more girls than boys

Is there more boys or more girls in Egypt?

Girls because there are more girls in the world than boys that is so true

Who are smater boys or girls?

Girls. Cause they pay attention more not boys. Boys think about sports and recess more. Girls don't that is why girls tend to pay attention more.

Does England have more boys than girls?

no england has more boys than girls