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No they are not. You may be thinking about another kind of blood sucking insect (the bedbug) whose eggs are laid on a hard solid surface with a sticky substance to fix them until they hatch such as on your mattress or in your holdall to bring bedbug nymphs into existence to feed on your blood.

Whereas female mosquitoes all lay their eggs openly on water, which can be running water or stagnant fresh water. After being laid the eggs just stays floating on the water's surface until the egg hatches to bring larvae into existence. Basically mosquitoes can lay eggs on virtually any sort of water except salt water. So they may lay eggs on surface of water in your bathroom or toilet or in ponds, puddles or any other area of standing water like gutters or rain puddles near your house (except for aedes type mosquitoes which are different in that they lay their eggs above water in protected areas that eventually flood).

Mosquito eggs may be laid singly or as a group which may form a floating raft of mosquito eggs. The eggs once laid are usually able to survive the cold of a winter and hatch in the spring. The larvae which develop after each egg hatches move through the water with characteristic wriggling movements and after fur larvae stages the larva becomes a pupa, and then after 2 or 3 days as a pupa its skin gets cast off so the adult mosquito emerges which rests for a while at the water surface near where it was an egg before flying off. It is then only female mosquitoes that are likely to pay an unwelcome visit to your body to feed on your blood, most types of mosquito doing that only during darkness, just a few kinds come out in daylight for their feeds. As almost everybody knows from personal experience the consequences of you being their meal can be maddening itching, but more ominously in very rare cases they can pass on terrible diseases to you like malaria or yellow fever.

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