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Yes, that is true.

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2d ago

Yes, most mild interjections are treated as parenthetical elements and should be set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma or a set of commas. This helps to separate the interjection from the main clause and improve readability.

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Q: Are most mild interjections treated as parenthetical elements and set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma or a set of commas?
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How did your host family treat you into passive voice?

The sentence "How did your host family treat you?" may be expressed in the passive voice as "How were you treated by your host family?"

What is the scope of syntax in linguistics?

Syntax in linguistics refers to the rules that govern sentence structure, word order, and grammatical relationships in a language. It focuses on how words are combined to form phrases and sentences. Syntax helps to understand how different elements in a sentence work together to convey meaning.

Can an introductory word of a noun clause that is not part of the clause be treated like a conjunction?

That's it exactly.I assume I have understood your question properly. Let's dig deep with the help of an example:"He knows that a good time is on the way".Sentence Structure:He -> subject of the main clause.Knows -> main verb of the main clause.That a good time is on the way -> dependent clause, in which "a good time" -> subject, "is" -> linking verb, "on the way" -> prepositional phrase acting as an object of the verb "is" and modifying "time".That -> expletive that introduces a sentence: "a good time is on the way."Now let's go back to your question:1- The word "that" is introducing a sentence.2- Yes, this introductory word "that" can be treated as an expletive.BUT be careful. In the below sentence that word "that" is used as a relative pronoun and can not be treated as an expletive. Rather, it is the subject of the dependent clause.He knows the men that can kill the Governor.

Humble in a sentence?

Despite his wealth and success, he remained humble and always treated others with kindness and respect.

Do you capitalize quarry?

"Quarry" is not typically capitalized, unless it is the beginning of a sentence or part of a proper noun (such as the name of a specific quarry). In general usage, it is treated as a common noun and is not capitalized.

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Most mild interjections are treated as parenthetical elements and are set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma or a set of commas?

That's true.

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