

Are most reg hamsters tamer than dwarf hamsters?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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It pretty much all depends on your hamster. All hamsters bite if they are afraid or in a bad mood. You should buy some wood chews.

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Q: Are most reg hamsters tamer than dwarf hamsters?
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There are dwarf hamsters their are Chinese dwarf hamster ( this hamster isn't classified as a dwarf they are just small hamsters) The winter white hamster Campbell dwarf hamster Roborovski dwarf hamster And they are different names and they all have different colors but syrian hamsters have more colors than dwarf hamsters

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Do you need a smaller tip water bottle for a dwarf hamster?

no, you don't because hamsters are just hamsters and dwarf hamsters have a bigger mouth than you think.

What is the differences between Chinese dwarf hamster and regular hamsters?

by normal, if you mean sirian hamsters then the main difference is that Chinese hamsters belong to the dwarf hamster species, which are considerably smaller and arent as friendly (believe me, i know, i own two!).

What are dwarf hamsters smarter than?

Maddie and Brenna

Do fancy Russian dwarf hamsters run fast?

Dwarf hamsters are generally faster than Syrian Hamsters. They aren't too fast, but can get speedy sometimes. Roborovski Hamsters are extremely hyper and fast and Chinese hamsters are pretty fast too.

Are male Chinese dwarf hamsters better then female?

Male hamsters tend to be less aggressive and protective than female hamsters.

Do dwarf hamsters eat some different things than bigger hamsters do?

No but buy some hamster mix that has less sugur if to much your dwarf might get diabetes

What are better Roborovski Hamsters or Russian Hamster?

there is a big difference between them as syrian hamsters are bigger than dwarf hamsters. There is quite a lot of different types of dwarf hamsters such as, Russian winter whites, Chinese, campbells, rovoroski and maybe more. But most dwarf hamsters can live with 1 or more of the same sex and syrians have to live alone - so if your hamster lives alone then its probably a syrian. aslo syrians are about half the size of a guineapig and dwarf hamsters are about half the size of a syrian hamster.

Are pet roborovski or Chinese hamsters faster?

robovski hamsters are much faster than any dwarf hamster. they are very small compared to other dwarf hamsters. they may be very fast but are very amusing!

Do dwarf hamsters get sick more easily than normal hamsters?

Not necessarily. It depends on how well your hamster is cared for.

What lives longer a dwarf hamser or a guinea pig?

Guinea Pigs live longer than Dwarf Hamsters.