

Are pet roborovski or Chinese hamsters faster?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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robovski hamsters are much faster than any dwarf hamster. they are very small compared to other dwarf hamsters. they may be very fast but are very amusing!

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Q: Are pet roborovski or Chinese hamsters faster?
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What are the smallest hamsters kept as a pet?

These are the top 3 smallest breeds of hamsters: 1. Chinese Hamster 2. Robo Hamster 3. Dwarf Hamster Hope this helps! :) :D ;)

What is a good cage for a Roborovski Hamster?

The Roborovski or Robo (desert) hamster, as it's known, is the smallest of hamsters. The pet shop will be able to guide you in your cage choosing decision.See the related link below.

What are better Roborovski Hamsters or Russian Hamster?

there is a big difference between them as syrian hamsters are bigger than dwarf hamsters. There is quite a lot of different types of dwarf hamsters such as, Russian winter whites, Chinese, campbells, rovoroski and maybe more. But most dwarf hamsters can live with 1 or more of the same sex and syrians have to live alone - so if your hamster lives alone then its probably a syrian. aslo syrians are about half the size of a guineapig and dwarf hamsters are about half the size of a syrian hamster.

What are the species of hamsters?

There is lots like, Syrian, Chinese dwarf hamster, Campbells dwarf hamster, Robo dwarf hamster, Russian hamster. My favorite, is the blueberry campbells dwarf hamster and the Syrian hamster. They are the sweetest and easy to hold. NOT THE ROBO"S!!!

Are zhu zhu pet accessories good for roborovski pet hamster?

No its not safe

What kinds of female hamsters can be put together?

Russian hamster,Chinese Dwarf hamster and that's all.You can find Chinese dwarf,Russian,bear,short hair,and the syrian hamsters at eather Pet Smart or That Fish Place That Pet Place.

What are the different varieties of hamster?

syrian,golden,dwarfs,panda bear,black bear,tortise hamsters are all SUPER sweet breeds JUST DONT GET A FANCY DWARF HAMSTER fancy hamsters are cute and sweet for more breeds go to

Are guinea pigs the fastest small pet?

No. Gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, mice, rats are faster than guinea pigs.

If one sixth of the children have pet hamsters and one third of the children have pet fish and there are thirty children how many children have pet hamsters?

5. Hamsters are better no no children are

How do you convince your family and dog to let you get 2 roborovski hamsters?

Well if you have another pet that might by chance want to eat or hurt the hamsters, you should put the cage in a high area like a tall table. (if you have a cat, make sure there are no places where they jump on and then jump on the high area) Another thing you can do is block off a room like your bedroom with a pet gate and put the hamster cage in the blocked off room.

What food do dwarf robo hamsters like?

well this is not exactly the answer but here is some tips that they can eat or cannot and they can eat meat, proteins, fruit and vegetables and bugs. if you need that information then ask what hamsters can eat. So this is the food they can and cannot eat: Do not feed the Roborovski too much fruit of vegetables at one time. They are the only hamsters who are NEARLY completely vegeterian. They are aloud to eat some meats.It can cause roborovski diarrhea.If your roborovski gets diarrhea feed it some rasberry leaves.A robos main diet must consist of hamster muesli. Buy this from a pet shop.It consists cereals,nuts and dried fruits. Some will have added banana flakes and/or Brazil nuts. It is important if you refill the roborovskis dish every day at the same time and clear out any of the food the Roborovski has stored in its sleeping area ( bedding). If 2 roborovskis are sharing the same bowl fill it to about 2/3 full.

Do pet hamsters need licenses?

No, they do not.