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Q: Are nanny cams legal in Virginia?
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Are nanny cams legal?

In most states, No. The filming is done within your own home.

Should I buy a Nanny Cam Are Nanny Cams that useful?

Yes, but I would be careful. They can be illegal if not used the right way.

Who makes a hidden nanny cam,to watch the babysitter with?

Many places make nanny cams but the best place is probably

Does Radio Shack sell affordable nanny cams?

No, Radio Shack is not known for being the most affordable retailer. They also won't have a large selection of nanny cams. Check online at eBay or Amazon for the best deals.

Are nanny cams legal in ny?

Yes Nanny cams are legal in NY. However you must be careful where you place them. keep the Nanny cam out of (expected privacy areas) such as bedrooms and bath rooms. The legal Issue arises with audio recording. You must get the Nannies consent to record audio, or it is deemed illegal.

In which countries are free live cams legal?

Live cams are legal in pretty much all countries. There are very few regulations the restrict people from doing live cams. Some countries may restrict certain performances you can do but it is still legal.

Is there a nanny for the baby of Andrea bocelli and veronica berti?

No - they do not have a nanny for Virginia - she tavels everywhere with Andrea and Veronica

Is it legal to use net nanny software?

Net nanny software provides internet protection. It is legal and can be used by parents to protect their kids online.

If i want to get a piercing can i bring my nanny instead of my parent?

Your nanny is not a birth Parent and has no legal power to authorize any services provided to you.

What is the legal BAC limit in Virginia?

The legal BAC (blood alcohol content) limit in Virginia is .08%

Why is it a bad idea to use a nanny cam without informing the nanny about it?

It is currently legal to video nanny's in your home in all states, however, you cannot video in private areas of the home such as restrooms. The main reason it would not be good is the ethical reasons of invasion of privacy and trust with the nanny.

Can a nanny camera be installed permanently in a room?

There are lots of types of cameras that you can use. They have some that are placed inside stuffed animals and some are placed inside of clocks. You can definitely have it installed permanently if you want. Nanny cameras are growing in popularity as parents feel much more comfortable being able to check in on their nanny and their children. Nanny cams can be easily installed permanently in any room you like. They simply require a power source and a wireless internet signal.