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Nurses are not checked for herpes at the time of hiring or otherwise. There are no work restrictions for health care providers with herpes, other than covering any lesions while the disease is active.

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Q: Are nurses checked for herpes
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Can you spread oral herpes if you don't have a cold sore?

Unfortunately, even if there are no visible sores there is still a small chance that you can get herpes. The odds are low but you should get checked out.

What is a Clear fluid blister on labia?

See your Doctor. STD Herpes or friction blister -get it checked by a clinic.

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It could be a kanker sore, or, i hate to say this, oral herpes. You should get it checked out by your doctor.

What diseases could you have if you have little bumps on penis and genitals?

you should get that checked out... HERPES!!

Your breasts are sore and you have a slight discomfort in your left fallopian tube Could this be menopause?

yes, yes it could! you should also get yourself checked for aid\hiv just to be safe. and if you have time herpes yes, yes it could! you should also get yourself checked for aid\hiv just to be safe. and if you have time herpes

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it is probably should get it checked out

Bump in your mouth?

Get that checked out! You may have herpes it could possibly be canker sores if its not on your lips then it's probably not herpes i would try the canker sore medicine that you can find in wal mart. If it doesn't help you may want to see a doctor.

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It effects by causing peopel distrurbing stuff to the lungs causing an illness that need to be checked out by doctors nurses ect- thankyou x

Why do I have a white blister on tip of my tongue and it is not painful?

iv had them before they just come and go, could be from burning it or smoking... worst it could be would be cancer. get it checked out

What does it mean when your goldfish has red scales?

It means your goldfish has a type of disease called herpes, and no, not the type you're thinking of. This is a type of herpes known only to goldfish. They get it when they have sex with a rock in their fish bowl. You should get your goldfish checked for herpes right away. You don't have to go to a vet though, just suck on it's fins and it should be fine. If it tastes like salt, then they're fine. But if it tastes like vinegar, your goldfish has herpes. Hope this information helped.

Are there any subspecialities for nurse practitioner?

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular nursing specialties. Some specialties in nursing are as follows. Ambulatory care nurses Critical care nurses Emergency, or trauma, nurses Transport nurses Holistic nurses Hospice and palliative care nurses Infusion nurses Long- term care nurses Medical-surgical nurses Occupational health nurses Perianesthesia nurses Perioperative nurses Psychiatric-mental health nurses Radiology nurses Transplant nurses Intellectual and developmental disabilities nurses Diabetes management nurses HIV/AIDS nurses Oncology nurses Wound, ostomy, and continence nurses Cardiovascular nurses Dermatology nurses Gastroenterology nurses Gynecology nurses Nephrology nurses Neuroscience nurses Ophthalmic nurses Orthopedic nurses Otorhinolaryngology nurses Respiratory nurses Urology nurses neonatal nurses Nurse practitioners (minimum requirement of a master's degree) Forensics nurses Infection control nurses Nurse administrators Legal nurse Nurse informaticists

Hard blister like sore on inside of labia. What could it be?

This could possibly be genital herpes, or a cyst of some type. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible to have it checked out.