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In my opinion (first answer) there is only one religion which is true in terms of salvation.

According to Jesus:

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him (i.e. God) which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. [Matthew 10:28]

The only true religion is the one that worships the being that Jesus asks us to 'fear' in terms of salvation.

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Q: Are other religions true beside Christianity?
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Is the religion of Buddhism true or false?

NO, Christianity is the only true religion.Answer:All religions are true to their adherents and regarded as false (or at least questionable) to most other religions. No test is available to prove if a religion is true or false. In the case of Buddhism, it works as either a philosophy or a religion.

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this depends on what is meant by "true religion" in Christianity is started with Christ preaching in the temple when he was a young boy..other religions will also have their saviours and prophets.

Is it true that Hinduism is the oldest world religion?

it is a true and the oldest religion in the world this was 1700 before Christianity

What is the meaning of true god?

The term "true god" typically refers to a belief in a singular, all-powerful deity that is considered to be the ultimate source of truth and spiritual guidance in a particular religious tradition. It often represents the idea of an authentic or genuine divine being that adherents worship and follow in their faith practices.

Does Christianity encourage people to convert to their religion?

Yes - Christianity, like many religions is evangelistic in that it believes in sharing its beliefs with others and inviting them to become Christians. According to Christianity it does make a difference what you believe, and in the final analysis the Christian religion is actually true and the other religions, while admirable in many ways, are not.

What are the views of atheists and Christians on Christianity?

AnswerChristians believe Christianity to be the only true faith, accepting only Judaism as true but imperfect and incomplete, and often referring to the 'idols' of other faiths in derogatory terms.Atheists believe that Christianity, like all other religions, is based on false assumptions. Conversely, this means that atheists regard atheism as the only true worldview, but most atheists do not dispute with Christians over matters of faith.

Why do different religions have different skin colors?

Because only the one true religion, Christianity, has the right skin color! Which is white. As for all the other false religions such as Islam and Judaism, they are dirty dirty Arabians and should be ethnically cleansed.

Which religion is a true religion?

The answer is... None. Religion was invented to explain our existence and to ease the fear of death. This was before science was advanced and everyone was what today we would call morons. Religions such as Christianity were twisted from other religions to make it it's own.

How does Christian view wicca religions?

Christianity and Catholicism generally views paganism or wiccan with regards to satanism. True paganism is honoring and worshipping Gaea or Mother Earth. Alot of Christian views came from original Paganism, as well as other religions.

Can only one religion be true?

Not necessarily. Buddhism is compatible with other religions. In fact, most polytheistic religions can accommodate the beliefs of other religions. However, monotheistic religions must necessarily exclude all religions that believe in other gods. The alternative view, held by atheists, is that no religion is true.

What are the essential differences between Christianity and other religions?

There is no essential difference between Christianity and other religions.Christianity is monotheistic, but so are Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other religions;The Christian Trinity is three persons in one God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but very similarly, the Hindu godhead is three gods in one godhead - Brahma, vishnu and Shiva;Jesus is both human and divine, but so were godmen of the ancient pagan religions;Jesus was crucified, but so were some of the gods and goddesses worshipped in ancient times;Christianity teaches the existence of heaven and hell, but so do Islam and Zoroastrianism;Christianity teaches that Jesus will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement, but Zoroastrianism also teaches that the Saoshyant will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement;Christians believe that theirs is the only true religion, but followers of other religions believe that theirs are the only true religions;Christianity has been extraordinarily successful, especially during colonial times, but so has Islam - they are now the two largest religions in the world.

Why do some Christians think that Christianity is the the only true religion?

A:Every believer, in every religion, believes that his or her religion is the true religion. While polytheistic religions, by their nature, do encourage some tolerance of other beliefs, monotheistic religions make no possible allowance for the notion that there are other gods. This crosses over into preaching to members of other religions that there is only one god and that that God is the Abrahamic God. Some extremists go as far as to hold other beliefs in contempt.