

Are pandas prey

Updated: 11/14/2022
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7y ago

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Adult giant pandas are apex predators, despite eating mostly bamboo. The only threat to adult giant pandas are humans. Cubs might be attacked though.

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Q: Are pandas prey
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Pandas do not sneak up on their prey, unless you consider bamboo prey, FYI Pandas have no enemies except for man (poachers) God help them if they get caught, off with their heads! pandas are the most protected animals today.

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Pandas do not prey on other animals, they only eat bamboo, lots and lots of it.

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How does giant pandas get their prey?

finding bamboo

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Are pandas predators or prey?

Giant pandas are usually neither. They mostly eat bamboo, meaning they're not predators of other animals, and they are too large to be hunted by predatory animals in the region, meaning they're not prey. Young or sick pandas can still become prey, but this goes for all species.

Do pandas have a prey?

Not really, though insects can be considered a "prey" item in addition to the bamboo they eat.

Why do leopards only prey on baby giant pandas?

they prey on them because they are a easy target or in other words prey

What are pandas predator's?

humans kill them the most, but they Giant Pandas are endangered at the moment. Leopards prey on their cubs, but not the adults.

How does giant pandas prey on animals?

the dont they eat bamboo

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To tell you the truth the prey is PANDAS