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Q: Are particles always fixed in one place?
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Does a sea star stays fixed in one place?

yes it does stay in one place

What is Stationary orbital?

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Particles in a solid are what?

Metallic solids are composed of individual atoms.

What is the movement of objects and substances that move from one place to another?

yes,sound waves always move from one substance to another

What do particles in a solid look like?

In a solid the paricles are very close together and vibrate slowly, always staying in one place!

Why can liquids easily take the shape of container but not solids?

Liquids flow into all the nooks and crannies of a container because the particles are free to move around. The particles in a solid are fixed in place relative to one another and are held there by strong forces of attraction.

How does the particles in solid states move around?

The particles in a solid move around one point.

How is sound energy carried from one place to another?

Sound is, in its most basic form, a vibration of particles. Sound energy, then, is carried from one place to another by the transmission of vibrations from particles to surrounding particles.

How are particles liquids and solids the same?

They are EXACTLY the same particles but in a liquid they are further apart and free to move round as compared to the particles in the solid form which are fixed in their position, one relative to the other.

Animal that stays fixed in one place?

A starfish

What are the particles in a liquid able to do?

The particles of a solid can only vibrate about their fixed positions while the particles of a liquid can vibrate, rotate and translate (move from 1 place to another) within the liquid.

What is the relationship between the amount of space between particles and the state matter?

the particles go with the state of matter in slid liquid and gas each one of the states of matter have particles. gases particles are always moving around example water vapor..solids particles are stuck in place but viberate and liquid is pretty much the same as gas