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Q: Are people in California still getting flu?
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Do you have to have a Swine Flu needle to survive?

To survive what? Getting the swine flu? No, you do not have to be immunized to survive. Most people will survive getting the flu, but older people and really young people are at risk of dying.

Does getting the flu make you stronger?

Getting the flu does not make a person stronger. A person that has the flu becomes sick and weak. Many people die each year from the flu.

Is Swine Flu forgotten?

No it is not a lot of people have still got swine flu. Even the news is no doubt still going on about it.

How somebody get Swine Flu?

Trading germs with people often, not washing hands. Its like getting a regular flu.

Do onions prevent you from getting the flu?

Yes, onion and garlic will keep people away from you, which helps with prevention. But don't touch a doorknob or anything that a person with the flu has contacted, and then touch your face as the virus can still transmit this way.

What causes depression when you are under flu attack?

people getting in your way and them getting on your nurvs. Its never a good feeling when you've got flu. When you shout at someone when you've got flu, just say to them sorry and explain that you shouted at them because of the flu. appoligise to them. x

Are the people in Illinois getting the swine flu yet or is it still just in Ohio Michigan etc?

Its spreading but dont be alarmed if someone gets it the should stay at home

Is the Swine Flu in Bakersfield California?

it sorta depends. If people travel and move to different states.

If you have flu will the antivirus injection react?

yes it will . actually people that have got ton the flu shot have a higher chance of getting the flu and it worsens if you have physical contact with people that have it i cant stress it enough to make sure you wash your hands and make sure your in a clean environment the more dirtier you are the less you have with not getting the flu it spreads and spreads and people are dying cause of it please stay clean

What do you do when you think you have Swine Flu?

Go to the doctor tard. If you have it you are getting more people infected

What were some of the misconceptions people had about cause of the flu epidemic of 1918?

hmm. could be that no one knew why the flu kept getting stronger and more advanced

Getting flu shot to keep from getting flu is example of this type immunity?

artificial active