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yes, I was bullyed in first grade and in jr. high and i remember clearly and will never forget. I'm 21 now and in college.

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Q: Are people likely to remember childhood bullying?
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Why don't people remember their childhood?

Most people remember their childhood. But not infancy between ages of 1 month to about 2, 3 years.

Is sarcasm bullying?

In and of itself, sarcasm is not bullying. However, sarcasm and rough humor are often parts of bullying. It all depends on how the sarcasm is directed. If they only direct it to certain people, then it is likely to be bullying.

What qualities of old people does anaya remember from his childhood in the story celebration of grandfathers?

Old people were strong in their beliefs

What are people most likely to remember about their lives?

people only remember the bad things and the good things in life

What type of bullying is it called when you are bullying gay people?

It is called homophobic bullying or homophobia.

Are People likely to remember only information consistent with their schema?

People are more likely to remember information that is consistent with their existing schema because it fits into their established mental framework. However, information that challenges or contradicts their schema may also be memorable due to its novelty or cognitive dissonance. Overall, memory is influenced by a combination of schema consistency and personal relevance.

What is peer bullying?

It is bullying by people in the same age group as you. It is basically the type of bullying that we have all come to know as just 'bullying'

Are people addicted to bullying?

some people cant help bullying after they have done it for so long =]

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying

How bullying effects schools?

The more people know about the bullying (most likely by word of mouth-when was the last time you saw a school say 'We have a huge bullying problem') the less people enroll there. About schools in general, some bullied children escape by switching to homeschooling.

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more

Who researches bullying?

People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others