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Q: Are people still disappearing in the Bermuda triangle?
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Is Bermuda Triangle mistry solved?

No,The Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery But if you want you Can research more about it.

Is Bermuda triangle real?

The Bermuda Triangle, which is also known as Devil's Triangle, is a source of much debate. The Bermuda Triangle mystery is nothing but a sham, at least according to a myriad of skeptics, and there still remain many who believe there is something fishy going on here

What is the secretof bermuda triangle?

there are a whole bunch of beliefs here are some: the mysterious Philadelphia is behind this,aliens built a base some3,000 feet below, and the Atlantis might have magnetic field.

Where the ships go when they are in center of bermunda triangle?

I think that they are now still deep under the bermuda triangle

Are there any survivors of the Bermuda Triangle?

Yes what i have read about there are 3 or more but over 500 people have gone missing.Some say there signals and radios and compasses black out or go haywire. There is another thing, nearly all havent survived but the RAINBOW RUNNER has survived. If you look up rainbow runner Bermuda triangle,there will be a website for it. the rainvow runner has been gone up to the top and straight into the Bermuda triangle. the rainbow runner made it in 3 days and 3 nights The Bermuda triangle, also known as the devil's triangle, is a region in the wetsern part of the north Atlantic ocean where a number of aircraft and ships have mysteriously disappeared. This triangle is between Bermuda, Florida and p Puerto Rico.

Does the disapearence of the Bermuda triangle still happen?

yes the first tusesday of every month If you believed it once did, then it probably still does. If you didn't believe in it originally then nothing has changed. Fact is that the Bermuda Triangle is a HUGE area, intersected by a couple of busy shipping lanes. When viewed with attention to covered area and traffic density the Bermuda Triangle isn't causing more accidents than any other comparable part of the oceans.

What time did most of the Bermuda triangle dissapearances happen?

Most of the disappearances have been reported and termed "mysterious" after the Second World War. Many myths were born in the late 40s, but the Triangle seems to have been more active - or the people more frightened or gullible - during the 60s and 70s.

What happened to the ships that got lost in Bermuda triangle?

the ships that got lost in the bermuda triangle had sinked or maybe landed on a hidden island we still don't still know what happened i think scientists will now it this is a real mysterious triangle we don't know who maid it if aliens are true they may have something to do with it with alien technology or something i think there is an code or another word in the bermuda triangle word i know scientists will find only 8 and i wanna be a scientist when i grow up :)

Where did Amelia earheart go?

That is a question that remains to be answered for she disappeared flying through the Bermuda triangle, scientist are still searching

Where could i find a newspaper article on the Bermuda triangle?

You're going to have to find the article online but you can still cite the work.

Are there any islands in the Bermuda triangle?

i think there is a island in that triangle hidden in plain sight that we can't see of the devil's triangle there either if you look even harder it's there in the shadow of the moon maybe the heaven''s light may shine on there anyway. but i still think it's not real not for now just look now it's calling you where you speak

What were the dates of when the ships went missing in the Bermuda triangle?

Monday, June 1st, I read a story of a mysterious plane dissapearence in the Atlantic. The Flight was coming from Rio de Junero and going to Paris, France. The plane was carrying over 250 passangers and the suspected area of its dissapearence is just south of the triangle. Is it possible that the triangle may be growing to claim more victims?