

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and watercraft are believed to have mysteriously disappeared. It is also referred to as the “Devil’s Triangle.”

485 Questions

Is Bermuda triangle and black hole are different?

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Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is an area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean known for unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft, whereas a black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape from it. They are completely different phenomena.

What is going on in the Bermuda triangle?

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Life goes on; see the link below.

Should you travel to Bermuda in October or November?

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October is generally a better time to travel to Bermuda as the weather is still warm and it's towards the end of hurricane season. November can be cooler and there is a higher chance of encountering rougher seas due to transitioning into winter weather patterns.

What tectonic plate is Bermuda on?

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Bermuda is situated on the North American tectonic plate.

Is Dajjal is in barmuda triangle?

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There is no credible evidence to suggest that Dajjal, an Islamic figure, is in the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Dajjal, on the other hand, is an eschatological figure in Islamic theology associated with the end of times.

Are there any islands in the Bermuda triangle?

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Yes, there are islands within the Bermuda Triangle. The most notable ones include Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico. These islands are known for being part of the mysterious triangle where several unexplained disappearances of ships and planes have occurred.

Whats inside the Bermuda triangle?

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The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where several aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. There is no official explanation for these disappearances, though theories include environmental factors, human error, and natural disasters.

What effects on nature do Avalanches have?

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Avalanches can disrupt ecosystems by destroying vegetation, altering soil structure, and burying animal habitats. They can also contribute nutrients to the soil, affect river flow patterns, and trigger secondary hazards like flooding and landslides. Overall, avalanches play a complex role in shaping mountain landscapes and influencing biodiversity.

What role do the elderly play in Egyptian culture?

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The elderly in Egyptian culture are highly respected for their wisdom and experience. They often hold positions of authority within the family and community and are seen as sources of guidance and traditional knowledge. They play an important role in passing down cultural values, traditions, and stories to younger generations.

How many infants were killed in alcohol related crashes?

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In 2019, there were 94 infants under the age of 1 killed in alcohol-related crashes in the United States.

What happened to Flight 19 and What caused its disappearance?

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Flight 19 was a group of five U.S. Navy bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle in 1945 during a training exercise. The exact cause of their disappearance remains unknown, but theories range from compass malfunctions to pilot errors to paranormal explanations. The unsolved mystery has fueled speculation and legends about the Bermuda Triangle.

What could be responsible for the high pulling force within the Bermuda triangle?

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One possible explanation for the high pulling force within the Bermuda Triangle could be strong underwater currents or methane gas release from the seafloor, which could create turbulence and affect ships and aircraft. Other theories involve electromagnetic anomalies or natural phenomena that interfere with navigational instruments, causing confusion and leading to accidents. However, concrete evidence supporting these claims is limited and the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains unsolved.

What happens to the people who read about the Bermuda?

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People who read about the Bermuda Triangle may become intrigued by the mysterious disappearances associated with it. Some may even develop a sense of fascination or curiosity about the legends surrounding the area. However, many people continue to visit the Bermuda Triangle without experiencing any unusual events.

Which episode of men behaving badly does tony sing Bermuda triangle?

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S5E6 - Rich and Fat. about 13 minutes in

Is Bermuda a real place?

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Yes. Bermuda triangle is a real place

What is new at Area 51?

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The quick answer: Nobody really knows for sure...however, there probably aren’t any aliens there. Nonetheless, we’ve got some information on the legendary site’s secrets.

First, a quick primer: Area 51 is about 150 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada, and it’s a military testing facility shrouded in secrecy. You won't hear the government call it Area 51—publicly, they use names like Groom Lake, Homey Airport, or the Nevada Test and Training Range.

The United States government didn’t officially acknowledge Area 51’s existence until 2013, when the CIA responded to Freedom of Information Act requests by declassifying a secret report.

Thanks to that document, we can address a few of the rumors and myths surrounding the facility:

First, that it’s an aircraft testing facility. This is the only rumor confirmed by the U.S. government. The Armed Forces tested various experimental aircraft, including the Lockheed U-2 and A-12. The latter was tested under the project name OXCART, and early versions of the craft looked completely...well, alien. More on that in a moment.

As the CIA classifies the site as a “black project,” nobody is allowed to discuss what happens there—or, at least, not until many years later.

The site’s secrecy is serious business. One Area 51 veteran told The Seattle Times that he was tasked with clearing the debris from a crashed A-12; when he arrived on scene, a local deputy had already arrived, along with a vacationing family. The family was taking pictures.

“We confiscated the camera, took the film out,” the veteran told the paper. “We just said we worked for the government. ...We told them there would be dire consequences [for discussing the crash].”

Next, that it’s where the government keeps the aliens. Obviously, the 2013 report didn’t go into Area 51’s alien myth, but since we know that the government was testing experimental aircraft at the facility, it’s reasonable to conclude that those aircraft were responsible for the numerous UFO sightings in the immediate area.

In fact, the previous anecdote might help explain where the alien myths started. Picture this: You see a strange aircraft fall to the ground, then people from the government show up and warn you not to say anything. If you're an imaginative person, you might assume that aliens were involved.

Those who worked at Area 51 in the 1960s say they never saw anything related to aliens, but that the CIA probably doesn’t mind the stories about extraterrestrials—those stories helped prevent real information about top-secret aircraft from getting out.

Of course, conspiracy theorists claim this is all part of the coverup.

Finally, that it’s where the government researches time travel and weather control. Again, the report doesn’t address these conspiracies, but people who worked at the facility say Area 51’s activities were largely confined to the development of aircraft and advanced training for highly qualified pilots.

All of the declassified Area 51 information is fairly old, and it’s quite possible that the Armed Forces are using the area for something else by now. We can’t really say—that’s the entire point of a top-secret military facility.

In any case, no amount of transparency will stop the conspiracy theories. The mysterious contents of Area 51 have been parodied in the media for decades, from the facility’s appearance in Independence Day (which reportedly caused the U.S. government to stop cooperating with the film’s producers) to a recent social media campaign to “storm Area 51.”

That campaign, by the way, has attracted some serious attention. More than a million people have indicated that they’re going to the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All" event, which will supposedly take place on Sept. 20 at 3 a.m.

The meme has gotten large enough to prompt a response from the United States government.

"The U.S. Air Force is aware of the Facebook event encouraging people to 'Storm Area 51,'" an Air Force spokesperson said. "The Nevada Test and Training Range provides flexible, realistic and multidimensional battlespace to test and develop tactics as well as conduct advanced training in support of U.S. national interests. Any attempt to illegally access the area is highly discouraged."

For the most part, the event is a joke (and there are plenty of memes to prove it), but some people seem to be taking it seriously. The New York Times reports that the Little A'Le’Inn hotel in Rachel, Nevada has received an “unusually high number of reservations" for Sept. 20.

“They’re pretty serious,” Connie West, a co-owner of the inn, told the paper. “They’re coming. People are coming.”

If you’re one of the people considering “storming Area 51,” reconsider; signs in the area warn intruders that they face prison time or deadly force. Besides, if you manage to get past the base’s considerable defenses, you probably won’t see anything other than some experimental aircraft—no aliens.

What was the first ship to sink in the bermuda triangle?

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Flight l9, a training squadron of USN (Avenger) torpedo bombers. planes of this type successfully sunk Japanese carriers at the Battle of Midway, so were a combat-ready craft.

Did Amelia Earhart's plane crash in the Bermuda triangle?

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It is believed so: when Earhart's plane disappeared, she had last been heard about 100 miles off Howland Island in the Pacific, on 2 July 1937. As to her fate: Speculation has been rife over the years regarding what happened to Amelia Earhart. The usual conspiracy theories and alien abduction theories have abounded. Some have claimed Earhart was captured in the South Pacific Mandate area by the Japanese and interned for a number of years before either perishing or being executed. This originated when a man, then 15, claimed he had been toying with his radio and a woman came upon the speaker, claiming to be Amelia Earhart. There was then a scream and the woman said Japanese soldiers had entered the plane, she begging them not to hurt her. Then the transmission went dead. Regardless of the rumours, no evidence has ever been found to substantiate them, and the circumstances surrounding Earhart's disappearance remain a mystery.

What were the dates of when the ships went missing in the Bermuda triangle?

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Monday, June 1st, I read a story of a mysterious plane dissapearence in the Atlantic. The Flight was coming from Rio de Junero and going to Paris, France. The plane was carrying over 250 passangers and the suspected area of its dissapearence is just south of the triangle. Is it possible that the triangle may be growing to claim more victims?

Who found the Bermuda Triangle?

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Anyone who has visited Bermuda, Peurto Rico, Nassau and the Bahamas.

How did the Bermuda triangle come to be a mystery?

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The first record that suggested that there was something unusual about disappearances in the area of Bermuda was an Associated Press article by Edward Van Winkle Jones in 1950.

The first use of the term was in a 1964 article with a similar theme that was published in 'Argosy' by Vincent Gaddis called 'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle'.

Then in 1974, two books were published, 'The Bermuda Triangle' by Charles Berlits and 'The Devil's Triangle' by Richard Winer. These books turned out to be very popular and the idea caught on, making this an excellent subject to sell books and magazines. These two books were the source for the popular terms.

Who first discovered the Bermuda triange?

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The term was first popularized by of all people, the Fishing columnist ( and once very popular on TV and radio) Vincent (Gadabout) Gaddis. He wrote a book called evasive horizons or a similar- maybe invisible Horizons- about the Bermuda Triangle, numerous lost ships and aircraft in the area and so on. Mr. Gaddis in a sense popularized the Bermuda Triangle. He is better known for his radio and tv fishing programs.

What is Bermuda's State?

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Bermuda is for all intents and purposes a British Colony. Capital city is Hamilton ( time honored, pun intended)

Is it illegal to fly or sail over the bremeauda triangle?

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There are all sorts of laws and traffic restrictions which apply to commercial and military air travel. Many are not known to the General public. For example there is what amounts to a 250 M.P.H. speed limit below l0,000 feet. Objects tracking this fast in civil airspace ( at this level altitude) are violating traffic rules and may be UFO"s