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Yes, there has not been a cure discovered for Celiac yet. In fact, more and more people discover that they have Celiac every year. Approximately 1 in 133 people have it, but most aren't diagnosed.

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Q: Are people still suffering from celiac disease today in 2011?
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With celiac disease can you still have a child?

Of course!... Celiac Disease does not interfear with having a child. It just means that your child might have celiac disease.

Can the symptoms of celiac disease occur on any other part of your body like for instance around the chest area?

Well, i have celiac disease and yes i have pain in the chest area but i don't eat gluten and i still have the pains.

What is the disease that Muhammad Ali has?

Although suffering from Parkinson's disease, Muhammed Ali is, to my knowledge, still alive.

Is Celiac disease a derivative of Crohn's disease?

No, but it has similar chronic bowel symptoms and is also often associated with auto-immune disorders. It is a response by the immune system that is triggered when those with Celiac disease eat gluten, a substance found in grains and baked goods using flour. The cause of Crohn's is still being investigated.

An Introduction to Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease was once thought to be rare, but increased knowledge of the disease has led to a surge of new diagnoses in the last ten years. The disease effects nearly 3 million people in the United States and can be fatal if left untreated.What is Celiac Disease?Celiac disease is a condition that effects the digestive system. It is triggered by the consumption of gluten, which is a component of wheat, rye and barley. The disease causes the body to attack the intestinal lining, which is essential to the absorption of nutrients.What are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?The symptoms of celiac disease may vary from patient to patient and some only complain of vague discomfort. Common symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. These symptoms are similar to those experienced by patients diagnosed with a host of other diseases, including stomach ulcers, infections, anemia, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.Some patients may experience a skin rash, upset stomach, depression, anxiety, joint pain or oral sores. Other symptoms may include osteoporosis, tingling in the limbs, gray-colored stools, fatigue, stomach cramps or weight loss.What Causes the Disease?Doctors still are not sure what causes celiac disease, but they believe that it may be genetic. People with a close blood relative that have been diagnosed are more likely to develop the disease themselves. Other risk factors include having Down syndrome or colitis. People that have type 1 diabetes or a thyroid disease are also at a greater risk for developing celiac disease.How is Celiac Disease Diagnosed?Diagnosing celiac disease can be difficult, as symptoms often mimic those of other disorders. Higher levels of certain antibodies can be detected through a blood test. These extra antibodies may be produced by the body in an effort to destroy gluten. Damage caused by celiac disease can be seen when doctors take a sample of the small intestine. Some doctors use camera pills to view the small intestine. This endoscopic procedure allows the doctor to examine the patient's intestinal tract by collecting hundreds or thousands of images.

Can you massage someone with Coeliacs Disease?

Massage is not a treatment for coeliac (or celiac) disease, which can only be treated by the avoidance of gluten in the diet, however, you can still massage someone with that disease. Massage is likely to be beneficial even if it does not treat this particular disease.

What do you call a person who does not eat gluten?

Well, you should honestly call them normal. I have celiac, and I hate being different because I am still in junior high. People like that makes it worse. But you could just call them a celiac, I guess.

Are people with celiac disease allowed to have dairy products?

Yes - if they read the label. Milk straight from the cow doesn't contain gluten, which is only found in certain grains. Some varieties of cottages cheese, yogurt, or pre-shredded cheese contain grain-based thickners or drying agents which contain gluten. So while most dairy is fine for someone with celiac disease, it's still necessary to be careful.

How many Americans are affected by celiac disease?

None. Nobody died from Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn't an actual disease its when your allergic to wheat. Actually you can die from it, but its rare..really rare. and if out of the small chance, when someone does die from it, most likely it caused by either being undiagnosed and untreated, or they never stopped eating gluten, and it caused either sever malnutrition or other complications such as liver failure to cause death. but if you have it and are worried about this, don't be. i have it too, and trust me, if you are not eating it, you should be perfectly fine. if you think you are completely gluten free and still feel bad, first thing you should do is make sure its not in your lotions, makeup,shampoo,conditioner, other hair products (i realized it was in a TON of shampoos and stuff i used almost every day...sickening lol) and other stuff. hope this helps :) God bless-livie

What effect did the bomb on Hiroshima have?

The bomb killed a lot of people and people in Japan are still suffering from the bomb till this day!

How can a Celiac Disease diet plan be made more appealing to the entire family?

A Celiac diet can be made more appealing by accepting that is not what you cant have but what you can have. You can still have many of the things you usually eat just a different brand or variety. They make a knock for just about any food now a days.

When did Basil D'Oliveria die?

He is still alive. 80 years old Basil Lewis D'Oliveira is suffering from Parkinson's disease.