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The Republican Party is "for" anyone who wishes to join, be they rich or poor. Individuals and demographic groups have entered and left the Republican Party at various times throughout its 150-year history.

At present, the positions of the Republican Party (lower taxes for the upper class, less regulation of business, less funding for New Deal-era programs, more spending on the military, fewer restrictions on gun ownership, more restrictions on abortion, and increased oil drilling on U.S. territory) tend to be accepted by rural Southerners and Midwesterners, wealthy businessmen, and religious people. However, not all members of these demographic groups will vote Republican, and individuals in other demographic groups may also be members of the Republican Party or vote for Republican candidates.

Local issues may be quite different from the national issues, and Republican candidates even at the national level may not ascribe to all aspects of this ideology. Most simple answer I have ever heard..... Republicans think that.... America is great because of the people, not the government.

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13y ago

Some rich people vote Republican because they like that they would get tax cuts if they vote GOP, but poor people also might vote Republican because they agree with aspects of the Republican Party. Such as gun rights, tax cuts, small gov, religious views. It is fairly mixed with voting. But statistically speaking more and more college educated individuals are actually voting Democrat.

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