During the Roman Republic all Roman citizens had the right to vote, including the poor.Therefore, the poor did not need a group of rich people to allow them to vote.
Yes, the poor people would work for or be slaves for the rich, the poor people were the plebeians and the rich were called the patricians; the equestrians was another of the classes.
The commoners were the plebeians. The merchants were not commoners. They were equestrians, the second highest social rank in Rome. The equestrians were bankers, moneylenders, merchants, investors in shipping and mining, and civil servants.
No. What caused the fall of Rome was unchecked government growth and corruption. Those who wanted power, promised the government would give everybody everything they wanted and raised taxes and destroyed the value of the money to try to give it to them. Does that sound familiar? You can't make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor. Go to YouTube and watch "The Money Masters" and you will understand.
rome became rich when the Romans invaded it.
Yes, it was very rich.
rome is rich
Rome was governed by the Senate, a group of rich people
Yes, the poor people would work for or be slaves for the rich, the poor people were the plebeians and the rich were called the patricians; the equestrians was another of the classes.
beacuse it did.:)
they are called PATRITIONS and the poor people were called PLEBIANS.
No they did not. The rich lead a life of opulence and the poor struggle to survive.
they where extremely poor and laws where not helping them against rich people.
In Rome they want to get the rich and poor separated so they had the military for justice.
You would have seen rich people and poor people and people from all the many ethnicities found around the Roman Empire.
Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.
The plebeians were the poor of Rome. They did not include merchants who were rich people and belonged to the equites (cavalrymen) which was the second highest social order in Rome.
At first the poor people in Rome were called Plebeians. When the city expanded, they were the Proletariat.