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Yes, Rats can eat absolutely anything but I wouldn't suggest meat to them because they could turn a little mean at times.

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Q: Are pet rats allowed to eat wheat grain crackers?
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What eats wheat?

Crickets can eat wheat, but any herbivore can eat wheat.(:

What do rats of NIMH eat?

What normal rats eat, grain, scraps, corn etc.

An animal that compete with us?

Rats compete with us because rats eat our grain crops.

Does grain kill rats?

No they'll just eat it

What kind of animals eat wheat?

Wheat is rich in vitamins and nutrients that promote healthy digestion and growth in animals. It is a good source of energy and protein, and it can help to maintain a healthy weight. Wheat grain can be fed whole or processed in many different ways. It can be fed in association with other ingredients, or mixed and processed into pellets in concentrate feeds. Some animals that eat wheat are rabbits, chickens, horses, cows, turtles, rats, birds, mice, turkeys, pigs, etc.

Do rats like corn?

rats like all feed grains. Corn, barley, wheat, oats, rye, also rice

Do rats eat beetles?

i know that rats eat mealworms, the baby versions of grain beetles, but i still dont know about beetles.

Do farmers have a problem with rats?

Yes, rats are a problem for farmers. They can be a problem in several ways. Rats can eat food crops. They can eat grain used to feed livestock or saved for planing. These are just examples, not a list of ways

Is a rat a primary consumer or secondary consumer?

Rats usually eat grain so they are primary consumers.

What did cats do for Egyptians?

Cat caught rats in the wheat storage facilities in Egypt. Cats were beneficial in their society.

How long should pet rats be allowed to play out of their cage?

As long as you have time for! Rats are extremely social animals and love human interaction.

What does a dumbo rat eat?

Rats are highly omnivorous; they will eat nearly anything. Fruit, grain, vegetables. meat, you name it.