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Natural pink diamonds are more rare than natural yellow diamonds, probably because the common trace element nitrogen is responsible for a yellow cast in a diamond. Some colourless or 'white' diamonds are considered yellow, when graded with a colour grade from I to Z, as below.

Natural pink diamonds exist 'due to structural anomalies" according to Wikipedia, and are very rare.

Some diamonds can be altered (or enhanced) to appear yellow or pink, and when altered, are less valuable than naturally colored diamonds.

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Q: Are pink diamonds or yellow diamonds more expensive?
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Are vivid blue diamonds rarer and more expensive than vivid pink diamonds?

No. Pink diamonds are little more but they are both more expensive then colorless diamonds.

Are blue diamonds more expensive than other colour diamonds ie White pink or black?

Blue diamonds are extremely rare, more rare than even pink diamonds. As with anything that is rare and well coveted its definitely going to be more expensive.

Are diamonds pink?

Sometimes. Diamonds can come in a variety of different colour. Pink diamonds are actually among the world's rarest and most expensive diamonds.

Is pink diamonds more expensive than white diamonds?

Pink diamonds are the rarest and the most expensive of diamonds in the market. Prices can run into the millions due to their rarity. An affordable alternative is pink sapphires which many jewelers recommend.

How many diamonds are there in Steven universe?

There were 4 diamonds, White, blue, yellow and pink, but pink became Steven.

Are pink diamonds expensive?

Given the same carat weight, clarity and cut, you will pay more for a pink diamond than for a 'white' or colourless diamond.

Where are pink diamonds found?

Generally pink diamonds are found in Australia. Australia's Argyle mine, in far north Western Australia, produces around 90% of the world's supply of pink diamonds. These are the world's only "intense" pink diamonds. Pink diamonds, one of the most rare and expensive diamonds in the world, are also mined in India, Brazil and Africa, but these are lighter in colour.

Why are pink diamonds so expensive?

Because they're rare. Nothing else.

What are common colors of the diamond?

Diamonds can be 'colourless', or yellow, or brown, or pink, or blue, or green, or black.

How much can a half a centimeter pink diamond cost?

Diamonds are not sold by centimeters, but by caret, color, quality. Pink diamonds have a tendency to be expensive. I suggest a pawn shop might give you a good value.

What is a pink diamonds real name?

Any pink diamond is known as a pink diamond, and its description may include 'fancy', 'intense', 'light' and so forth. Pink diamonds can also be described as pink-purple, and more. You can follow the link below and find three important pink diamonds in the list.

How are diamonds classified in terms of color?

The "traditional" diamond is colourless and transparent. However, diamonds come in a variety of colours including pink, brown, black, yellow, and red.