



Diamonds are the hardest mineral on earth. Ask questions about famous diamonds, mining, production and buying.

4,143 Questions

Was the hope diamond real?

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Yes, the Hope Diamond is a real gemstone. It is a rare blue diamond that weighs about 45.52 carats and is famous for its unique deep blue color and long history.

Do real diamonds only sparkle under bright light?

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Real diamonds sparkle in all types of lighting conditions, not just under bright light. A diamond's sparkle is a result of its cut, clarity, and internal properties refracting light, creating its signature brilliance and fire. Diamonds can shine and reflect light in any type of light setting.

Is Diamond the most common stone in the world?

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No, diamond is not the most common stone in the world. Quartz is the most common mineral found on Earth's surface, while diamond is a much rarer and valuable gemstone.

What is a blue diamond called?

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Blue diamonds are called fancy colored diamonds, and there are several names for the shades of blue, including, from Wikipedia:

"Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep, Fancy Vivid."

Also from Wikipedia, there are 27 different names for colour hues that include bluish colors. You can read more, below.

Why are the best diamonds that are in Africa?

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Africa has some of the best diamonds due to its geological history. The continent has ancient, stable cratons that have preserved diamonds created deep within the Earth's mantle. These cratons are conducive to the formation of high-quality diamonds over millions of years.

What is a J clarity in a Diamond?

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In diamond grading, "J" clarity refers to diamonds that have noticeable inclusions when viewed under 10x magnification. These inclusions may affect the diamond's brilliance and transparency but might not be visible to the naked eye. J clarity diamonds are considered lower on the clarity scale, but they can still be a good choice for those looking to balance quality and budget.

Why are diamonds so small?

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Diamonds are found in nature in various sizes, and the size of a diamond depends on how it formed and how long it took to grow. The small size of some diamonds may be attributed to factors such as rapid crystallization, limited growth space, or the specific conditions under which they formed deep within the Earth's mantle.

Why have diamonds been found in Wisconsin?

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Diamonds have been found in Wisconsin due to the underground volcanic activity that brought them to the surface. The glacial movements in the region also played a role in transporting the diamonds from their original locations. This combination of geological processes has resulted in the discovery of diamonds in Wisconsin.

What is the brightness of a diamond?

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Diamond brightness refers to the way light interacts with the facets of the diamond, reflecting off them and returning to the viewer's eye. It is influenced by the quality of the cut, specifically the proportions and symmetry, which affect how effectively the diamond can reflect and refract light. A well-cut diamond will exhibit high brightness, whereas a poorly cut diamond may appear dull or lackluster.

Can breathing on a diamond tell you if it is real?

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No, breathing on a diamond will not help you determine if it is real or not. The best way to determine the authenticity of a diamond is through professional testing by a gemologist or using specialized equipment.

Why do diamonds twinkle?

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Diamonds twinkle due to a phenomenon called dispersion, where the facets of a diamond split white light into its spectral colors, creating a twinkling effect as the diamond moves. This dispersion of light gives diamonds their characteristic sparkle and brilliance.

Are colored diamonds radiated or irradiated?

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Colored diamonds are often irradiated to enhance or change their color. Irradiation bombardment can alter the diamond's crystal lattice, causing it to absorb more light and appear differently colored. This process is a common method for producing fancy colored diamonds, such as blues, greens, and yellows.

Is the diamond source of light?

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No. Diamonds reflect and refract light. Without a light source, a diamond cannot be seen.

No, a diamond is not a source of light. A cut diamond appears to sparkle because it is very good at scattering light that strikes it.

How is the clarity of a diamond determined?

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The clarity of a diamond is determined by examining the presence of inclusions (internal flaws) and blemishes (external flaws) under 10x magnification. The clarity is then graded on a scale ranging from Flawless (no inclusions or blemishes) to Included (visible inclusions). A diamond with fewer inclusions or blemishes is considered to have higher clarity and therefore more valuable.

What is one rock that a red diamond can be found in?

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A red diamond can be found in kimberlite rock formations, which are volcanic pipes that bring diamonds to the Earth's surface from the mantle.

What is a one carat s12 colur jk diamond worth?

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The value of a one carat SI2 clarity, J-K color diamond will depend on a variety of factors such as cut, shape, and market conditions. However, as a rough estimate, you can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 for a diamond of this quality.

Do meteorites have diamonds?

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Yes, some meteorites contain diamonds. These diamonds are formed under extreme pressure and temperature conditions during the impact event that creates the meteorite. However, diamonds in meteorites are usually microscopic in size.

Where do diamonds go after mined?

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After being mined, diamonds are sent to sorting facilities where they are categorized based on quality and size. From there, they are sent to diamond cutting and polishing centers where they are transformed into polished gems. Finally, they are sent to diamond dealers and retailers for sale to consumers.

Where 37.68 carat diamond found recently?

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From the DiamondWorld magazine:

"State-run mineral giant NMDC recently discovered a 37.68 carat diamond from Panna diamond mines in Madhya Pradesh, which stands as its biggest discovery till date."

You can read more, below.

Where does diamond dust occur?

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Diamond dust occurs in cold regions where tiny ice crystals form and remain suspended in the air. This phenomenon usually happens in the presence of extremely low temperatures and calm winds, creating a sparkling effect as the ice crystals reflect light. Diamond dust can be observed in places like Antarctica, the Arctic, and high-altitude locations.

What are zircon diamonds?

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Zircon is a naturally occurring mineral that is not a diamond. Zircon is often used as a diamond substitute in jewelry due to its natural brilliance and sparkle, but it is not as valuable as a true diamond.

Can diamond break obsidian?

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No, diamond cannot break obsidian. Obsidian is harder than diamond on the Mohs scale, which measures the hardness of minerals. Diamond itself is the hardest natural material, but it cannot scratch or break obsidian due to its unique molecular structure.

Can you see through a rough diamond?

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Your answer depends on the individual diamond.

Gem-stone quality raw diamonds are much more clear than industrial-quality diamonds.

You can see a photo of a raw, gem-stone quality diamond, and learn more about them, below.

Why is diamond more expensive that charcoal even though they have the same element?

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Diamonds are more expensive than charcoal because of their rarity, hardness, and brilliance. Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under intense pressure and heat, while charcoal is a common form of carbon produced from wood or other organic materials. The unique properties of diamonds make them highly sought after for use in jewelry and industrial applications, driving up their price.

What makes a diamond sparkle nicely when lights strike it?

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A diamond's sparkle is due to its high refractive index, dispersion, and critical angle of total internal reflection. When light enters a diamond, it bounces around within the facets before exiting, creating the sparkling effect known as "fire" and "brilliance." Additionally, the diamond's cut quality, proportions, and symmetry play a crucial role in how it interacts with light and produces its mesmerizing sparkle.