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Though they both use SONAR (SOund Navigation And Ranging) to navigate, submarines and marine mammals that use sonar are both very different in how they use it.

Marine mammal sonar uses a much higher frequency than submarine active sonar systems transmit at. Also, submarines rarely use active sonar due to the fact it immediately gives away your location and range to an enemy. Marine mammals use their active sonar constantly to navigate through the water, communicate, and to find food, while passive sonar is the primary means of submarine navigation.

Dolphin sonar sounds like a fast clicking sound, with occasional high frequency "squeals", similar to a dog toy, though at a much higher frequency range. The frequency is high enough that it must be demodulated by special equipment to a lower frequency to really hear it. Usually when submarines go to periscope depth, dolphins set off the torpedo warning alarms since their frequency is at a similar range. As a former Submarine Sonarman, I can also say that it also drives you nuts, especially when there's a whole group of them around the boat.

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Q: Are pink dolphins and submarines the same because they use the same sonar?
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