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Q: Are planets and moons held by gravity?
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Why do the moons stay in orbit around Jupiter?

Any moon is held in orbit by gravity, just as the planets are held in orbit around the sun by gravity.

How do planets get there moons?

by gravity

Are the planets like moons to the sun?

The planets are satellites of the sun. The moons are satellites of the planets. The moons revolve around the planets captured by their gravity, while the planets revolve around the sun captured by its gravity and the sun.

What would happen to planets and their moons if there were no gravity?

If there was no gravity, the Sun and and the planets would never have formed.

What keeps the planets and moons in their orbit?


Are all planets held by a force called gravity?

Not all of the planets are held by gravity.

What captures most of the planets moons?

the gravitational pull of the gravity of the planet so in other words bigger planets more gravity, smaller planet less gravity. usually bigger planets have more moons

Is there grivity on Jupiter?

There is gravity. There is gravity on all planets, moons, and stars.

Planets and moons are kept in orbit by the force of?

Mass and gravity

How do moons orbit the planets?

the planets do not orbit the moon but the moon orbits the planets because of gravity and inertia

Do moons and asteroids orbit the sun?

Asteroids orbit the sun. Moons orbit planets and planets orbit the sun. So you could say the moons orbit the sun. However, moons are kept in their orbits by the gravity of their planet and planets are kept in orbit by the gravity of the sun. So in that sense, moons do not orbit the sun.

How are the planets held in orbit?

Most people don't think this but planets are actually held in orbit by gravity. With out gravity the planets will fall down.