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Yes, they are. the Plecostomus will eat algae, but feed them algae wafers daily and supplement their diet with fresh/cooked zucchini once a week. Fresh zucchini will need to be kept to the bottom of the aquarium. Do all of the feedings at night because plecostomus are nocturnal.

I disagree. Actually, coryadoras do a MUCH better job at eating algae. Also, otocinclus and mystery snails, too. I'd recommend against a plecostamus unless it's a dwarf kind, and understand that they put out more waste than they remove from the tank. They're hardly worth the bother.

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Q: Are plecostomus good algae eaters
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Are brine shrimp safe for plecostomus to eat?

Yes they are good as a treat but Plecos are algae eaters. Specialised food is available for algae eaters at good pet/fish shops

What are examples of algae eaters?

Mollys, Swordtails, Platties, Sucking catfish, Bristlenose catfish, Kissing gourami, and Plecostomus are all enthusiastic algae eaters. There are heaps more but too many to mention here.

What are types of algae?

Pleco - Suckermouth catfish , Siamese Algae Eater, Albino Algae Eater , Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco ,Oto Catfish , Plecostomus ( Very aggressive and go well with Oscar ) All algae eaters go well with Oscars.

What should you feed algae eaters or fish?

There are specialised foods for algae eaters at most good pet shops.

Do algae eaters and chichlids go together?

I don't know of any algae eating 'sucking catfish' that can be mixed with African Cichlids but some of the Malawi species of cichlid are Algae eaters I believe. As far as the other cichlids from the Americas and the Amazon goes, Plecostomus sp. can usually fit in with them OK. provided you make sure they all are of a similar size.

What is the scientific name of the fish plecostomus?

A Plecostomus is a Tropical Fish from South America. They are often called "Sucker Fish" because they are seen sucking on the glass. They feed mainly on algae and/or algae wafers when they are kept as pets.

Do you have to have a plecostomus in your fish tank?

no but they are popular for their appetite for algae. if you do get a plecostomus be warned that they grow to about 2 feet long

What are the other uses of plecostomus?

Plecostomus are fun fish in an aquarium, they eat algae and grow over a foot long.

What is best algae eater with guppies?

i think the best is a albino algae eater is the best.

Which fish eats algae growing on a shark's body?

The most popular species of fish for algae eaters: 1. Plecostomus (several varieties) 2. Rosie Barbs (cherry) 3. Siamese Algae Eaters 4. Otto (Otocinclus 5. Many species of freshwater shrimp and snails are also great algae-eaters. 6. Catfish 7. Goldfish 8. Koi

What is the scientific name for a plecostomus algae eater?

Hypostomus plecostomus.. Plecostamus meaning folded mouth. Pleco (Latin for Fold) Stoma(mouth).

Do fish eat alage?

Do fish eat algae? Yes, some species, like plecostomus, do eat algae.