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Q: Are plicae circulares the same as circular folds?
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How do circular folds increase the surface area for digestion and absorption in the intestine?

Folds increase the surface area to volume ratio.Imagine a circle with folds all around the edge and another circle the same size with a flat edge. Both circles have the same volume, but the one with the folds has a much larger surface area.

What folds in a brochure that all run in the same direction?

Parallel folds

Are Ben Folds and Ben Folds Five the same band?

Ben Folds was the lead singer and piano player of the Ben Folds Five. Ben Folds now has a solo career.

How do you spell circular in spanish?

The same - circular

What is isoclinal fold?

folds that have parallel limbs are called isoclinal folds , in this case limbs dip at the same angle and direcrion.

what Is an oblique circular cone?

In a right circular cone a line from the vertex to the center of the circular base is perpendicular to the base. In an oblique circular cone that same line will not be perpendicular.

How do you use a circular loom?

The same way you use a linear loom, only in a circular fashion.

What is a circular serpiginous area?

Serpinginous means snake-like. Circular means the same thing as in lay language.

What word means the same as a round?

Circular, Curved.

What is a circular path that electricity flows in?

A circular path that electricity flow in is called a "circuit". A circuit does not have to be circular in shape, but must begin and end at the same point like a circle does.

What is the different between circular knit and flat knit?

Circular knit is knitted from different needle by different feeders high production cappacity, but flat can be knitted with same technics but fabric is not circular, low production than circular knit

What is straight cigarette?

Same reason your anal cavity is circular.