

Are polymers made by dehydration

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Are polymers made by dehydration
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What is the prcess by polymers of polysaccharidesfatsand proteins are made?

Condensation or dehydration system

What reaction splits organic polymers?

Depolymerization. Hydrolysis also for certain polymers.

When is dehydration synthesis used by your body?

to create polymers

Are Organic polymers are synthesized by 'dehydration synthesis' reactions?


When monomers form to polymers what compound is removed?

In most biological polymers, it is water. This is called dehydration synthesis

What is the common pathway in the production of biological polymers?

Dehydration Synthesis

What do monomers and polymers have to do with photosynthesis?

Monomers come together to form polymers through dehydration condensation and polymers split apart from monomers through hydrolysis.

Polymers of carbohydrates fats and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by which process?

the removal of water (dehydration reactions)

How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions related?

dehydration synthesis is when water is formed when combining two molecules. hydrolysis is adding water to make one molecule into two separate molecules.

What type of chemical reaction connects polymers together?

The type of chemical reaction that connects polymers together is dehydration synthesis.

What is the mechanism that your body uses to create polymers from monomers?

Dehydration reaction.

How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis related?

They are (generally) opposite reactions. Dehydration (condensation) reactions build polymers from monomers by removing water while hydrolysis reactions break polymers into monomers by adding water.