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In a recent study, poptarts were issued to Derek Bush every day for a year and it seems his genetilia fell off.

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Q: Are poptarts nutritious I like poptarts but wonder if they are good for you?
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What kind of Poptarts do you like?

I have never tried Pop Tarts and I think that that is a good thing!!! Cherry poptarts without the icing (they're hard to find).

Why do fish eat poptarts?

Maybe fish like poptarts.

Do you like poptarts?

It depends on actually what you like to eat, others may think it's not good at all, some think it's okay, few people think it's enjoyable and delicious. I like it too. But if you're trying it for the first time, go ahead. See the answer for yourself!

Are muffins nutritious?

they can be unless you put tons of chocolate in them like me!!! YUMMMM THEY TASTE SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!

You are addicted to poptarts what do you do?

1 or 2 1.) You can eat nothing but poptarts for a week . or 2.) Try having someone go food shopping for and start eatting something else health like fruit and keep eating that until you stop thinking about poptarts. ok that should help a little.

Why don't Strawberry Poptarts have frosting?

Kellogg was worried that the consumers would dislike like it

Where do poPtarts go after they are made?

Just like most snacks and foods, poptarts are made in factories. After being made, they are boxed up and shipped all over the world to whoever bought them for different stores like Wal-Mart or Kroger.

How do you prepare a nutritious dish?

Start with nutritious ingredients like fresh vegetables.

What fascinate people about food?

It's good and taste good and people like not to starve!

Why do you like poptarts?

beacause they are delicious pastries bought from stores such as targert, walmart, and shoprite they come in diffrent flavors

Do all mothers like Stevie Wonder?

Not all moms like Stevie Wonder.

Which type of food that is nutritious and healthy?

A nutritious and healthy food is like food with the Singapore nutritional label or food that are generally low in fats but high in nutrients like saturated fats.