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Possoms are nocturnal (active at night)

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Q: Are possoms a day animal or a night animal?
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What animals are in the kimberlys?

Dingos, koalas, kangaoos, possoms, scorpions and lots of flies. Dingos, koalas, kangaoos, possoms, scorpions and lots of flies.

What is a nocturnal animal?

Nocturnal animals are animals that are active at night rather than the day. At night, they forage or hunt for food and perform other activities, which depend on the species. During the day they sleep.

Do possoms hunt in packs?

No they are solitary animals.

Is the duck a day animal or a night animal?

a bit of both - they only sleep for 5 hours

When do the forest animals hunt day or night?

Both. It depends on the animal and there moods. A lot hunt during the day and a lot hunt during the night