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If the chrysanthemum is planted earlier enough to make roots, it often will survive the frost.

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Q: Are pot chrysanthemums frost hardy
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Related questions

When do you cover your chrysanthemums for winter?

Watch your forecast and cover the chrysanthemums the day before your first frost.

What are chrysanthemums worth?

Chrysanthemums sell for anywhere from $4 to $15 depending on the size of the pot.

Why are chrysanthemums so loved by gardeners?

Chrysanthemums add a lot of color to the fall garden. They tolerate mild frosts and are very hardy.

Are Sonoma pot chrysanthemums indoor plants?

Chrysanthemums are outdoor plants but sometimes people put them in a decorative pot indoors. They will not last long inside but they can be decorative for a few weeks.

In the short story the chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck what characteristics does elisa share with the chrysanthemums?

Elisa's character in "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck is closely linked to the chrysanthemums in terms of both being stifled and unfulfilled. Just as the chrysanthemums are confined to a small garden and lack a purpose beyond decoration, Elisa feels limited in her life and unappreciated for her potential. Both Elisa and the chrysanthemums represent unfulfilled potential and a longing for freedom and fulfillment.

When should you transplant chrysanthemums?

You could transplant any time after there is no danger of frost.

What is the difference between florist chrysanthemums and garden chrysanthemums?

'Florist' (or 'exhibition') chrysanthemums are specially bred for beauty, not hardiness. They can't take cold winters.Unless you live where it's warm all year, stick to the 'garden' (or 'hardy') chrysanthemums at your local garden store, where the stock is tailored to your local conditions.All Chyrsants are beautiful it depends on where you live how they survive.

Do you cut chrysanthemums down?

After the plant is damaged by the hard frost, cut them down to the ground. Then mulch the area to protect the roots.

Can you plant pot chrysanthemums outside?

Chrysanthemums grow best when there is a lot of light available to them. They do best in fertile, sandy soil which should be well draining as they are susceptible to mildew.

Will pot chrysanthemums come up in the garden each year?

Chrysanthemums need several months to develop a root structure to survive the winter. So if they are planted in the spring or early summer, they will survive. Those planted in fall will not survive the winter.

Can chrysanthemums be replanted?

No, but cutting them back produces plants that have more stems and thus more flowers. Cutting also produces shorter plants that may have a more attractive round shape.

What does the word hardy mean?

Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships. A hardy plant is one that can withstand the extremes of climate, such as frost.