

Are potato chips bad for cows?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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11y ago

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No. It is not recommended

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Q: Are potato chips bad for cows?
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Related questions

Where does potato chips come from?

Potato chips were invented in Louisiana in 1853.

Why is eating potato chips bad for you?

Well, potato chips are deep fried in fat and oil that can cause weight gain and obesity if eaten too much. Once you eat potato chips the first time, you will get addicted and you will want to eat more and more, which will make you fat. In other cases, potato chips consuming has lead to fevers and sore throats.

What are the good effects of potato chips?

The good effects of eating potato chips are getting a good appetite and good tasting. The bad parts of eating too much potato chips are gaining weight, getting fat, receiving diabetes, and sore throat.

How are Doritos healthy?

They are not healthy because they still have high calories, but they are not as bad as potato chips.

Why are chips called chips not potato chunks?

because they are little chips of the potato not big chunks

Why are potato chips called chips?

because they are "chips" off the potato. like a wood chip.

Which is better ready-made potato chips or homemade?

Homemade potato chips are better,because the ready-made chips have alot of bad ingredients in them,so buy a potato chip cutter,frie them add a little oil and a pinch of salt and done.Homemade chips are much yummier,crispier,healthier and alot less fattier!

Do potato chips cause constipation?


Is a sweet potato good for liver disease?

Potato Chips are bad for the liver, but organic, non processed, potatoes are especially good for the liver.



When was Sterzing's potato chips created?

Sterzing's potato chips was created in 1935.

Can potato chips run on cars?

Potato chips can't run at all.