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Yes, almost every animal will drink water. It is especially important that you never deprive any pig of water because they can die from salt toxicosis simply by not having enough clean drinking water available.

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Q: Are potbellied pigs supposed to drink water?
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Related questions

What is a potbellied pigs diet?

Potbellied pigs will generally eat anything. The danger in this is that they can become obese and unhealthy. A potbellied pigs diet should mainly consist of foods high in fiber. There are feeds made especially for potbellied pigs that will contain the amount of fiber needed. Some brands are Heartland and and Peak Performance. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the potbellied pig. The general rule is about 1/2 cup of maintenance food per 25 pounds of the pigs weight. This total amount should then be divided into two feedings a day. Potbellied pigs can also be fed vegetables to expand diet options for the pig. Fruit can also be fed to the pig but in small amounts because of the higher amount of natural sugars. Another very important part of a pigs diet is water. Water should always be available for the potbellied pig to drink.

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How do pigs drink water?

Pigs drink water in the same way that dogs do. Pigs will lap up the water they need with their tongues.

Do potbellied pigs get along with cats?

Maybe if they all meet as babies.But somewhere down the line the pig is gonna end up eating them

What kind of water do guinea pigs drink?

Tap. But they have to have fresh everyday

Average weight of a pot bellied pig?

A full grown potbellied pig can be anywhere from 100 to 250 pounds. Although, the average size of a potbellied pig is about 120 to 150 pounds. Potbellied pigs do come in many shapes and sizes so the weight of the potbellied pig will just depend on how he/she is genetically built.

What do baby teacup pigs drink?

Water or milk

Also how many litters per year do potbellied pigs have?

how many litters per year does a potbelly pig have

Are potbellied pigs illegal in rhode island and why?

Call your local government offices. They can tell you. The SPCA could also tell you.

Do guniea pigs drink a lot of water?

No guniea pigs tend not to drink a lot of water. They go to the water drpper like 2 to 3 times a day to drink about 10 sips so if your guniea pg does not drink lots of water its natural, dont worry just make sure they eat.