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Q: Are pp bristles toothbrushes toxic
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Did Victorians have tooth brushes?

Victorians Had toothbrushes the bristles where mad out of pig hair......

How can you steralize electric toothbrushes?

put just the bristles under hot water

What material are used to make a toothbrush?

Typically, cheap toothbrushes are made from plastic handles and nylon bristles. Higher end toothbrushes might have wooden handles and boar bristles.

What are the bristles of a toothbrush made of?

Yes ,the bristles and the handles of toothbrush are made of the same material that is nylon.

Are Colgate toothbrushes made with pig hair?

Not any more. Long ago, in the early days of toothbrush manufacturing, all toothbrushes were made with boar's bristles. Around about the time of WWII and the invention of nylon, this changed.

When did people start brushing their teeth regularly?

Toothbrushes have been around for hundreds of years. In fact, the first known toothbrushes were used about 5,000 years ago and were made of twigs. The Prophet Mohammed introduced the use of the miswak (toothbrush) to the middle east about 1,300 years ago. A Japanese writer who traveled in China described toothbrushes in about 1200 AD. The English word toothbrush dates back to at least the late 1600s. The modern toothbrush with a bone handle and bristles was mass produced beginning in about 1840. Natural fibers replaced animal bristles in 1938.

What kind of toothbrush should you use?

There's not much evidence that electric toothbrushes are better than manual toothbrushes. In the case of the ones with timers, their biggest benefit is probably just getting you to brush as long as you should (two or three minutes). There is some evidence that electric toothbrushes that spin in both directions, like some made by Oral-B, are better than manual brushes. My dentist recommended a two-speed electric toothbrush. The faster speed is for your teeth, the slower speed is for your gums. You need to be gentle with your gums. If you use a manual toothbrush, go with a name brand toothbrush such as Crest or Oral-B. It's important that the bristles be rounded at their tips. You can't see this by eye. Go with soft bristles. Hard and medium bristles can cause irreversible damage to the gums, which is very bad for your teeth. They can lead to periodontal disease and receding gumlines. Replace your toothbrush every two or three months. Worn bristles clean about 30% less effectively. Moreover, worn bristles are better breeding grounds for bacteria.

What kinds of products does Colgate produce?

Colgate's company mainly deals with dental care covering all bases. They make various flavors and types of toothpaste, mouthwash and toothbrushes for all ages varying from soft to medium bristles.

What are two occupations that match the keyword doctors?

pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp

What did they make bristles out of in the olden days?

Bristles were often made out of the bristles of boar before plastic bristles were invented. They might have also made them out of types of plant.

What is bristles in cow's tongue called?

Bristles is what they are called

What country are toothbrushes made in?

Many, many countries make toothbrushes.