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Q: Are priest and lay minister also involved in selling?
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Do Catholics have a minister?

Yes, indeed, Catholics have a "minister," he is an ordained Priest. We address him by the title Father (as he is our spiritual father). He may also be the Pastor of the parish as well!

What does 'not of the cloth' mean?

Somebody 'of the cloth' refers to a Christian minister or priest of one of the older and established churches, such as the Church of England or Roman Catholic church. So, although somebody 'not of the cloth' usually means someone who is not a minister or priest of the established churches, it can also refer to someone who does not have a position of minister/deacon/priest/nun etc in any church, or it can also refer to someone who is not a member of a select group within ' the Establishment'.

Who is the minster of the Sacraments of Matrimony?

The priest is the normal minister of Matrimony but a deacon can, with permission also perform a wedding ceremony.

Who administers baptism in the Catholic Church?

A deacon,priest, or bishop is the ordinary minister of baptism. In an emergency situation, anyone can baptize. In addition, according to Canon Law, an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist can, with permission in areas with a shortage of priests, also be a minister of baptism.

What is the non religious term for a wedding priest?

Pastor, minister, Clergyman- official ( meaning one who officiates) Celebrant can also be used, these are, with the exception of Pastor, not strictly speaking ecclesiastical ranks such as Priest, Bishop, etc.

What does a special minister of Holy Communion do?

A special minister of holy communion is a lay person who is given the opportunity to help the priest or presider in a Mass to distribute Holy Communion. A special minister of holy communion may also give holy communion to the sick.

Color of alb priest wears on Easter Sunday?

The alb is always white, for every minister on every day of the year. The stole and chasuble of a priest is a different color according to the season. During Easter it is also white, and may also include gold or silver.

What is the role of a minister in baptism?

According to the Catholic church a ordinary minister of baptism is reserved for the head parish priest, but can also be done by a bishop, deacon or other priest in the parish. In emergencies, like someone about to die anyone delegated by the church.

Why can minister have a family and priest can not?

All "Preists" are not restricted from marriage or having families. Many Episcopalian Priests are married and have families. The word "Priest" does not belong to just the Roman Catholic Church. There are many forms of "priests" that exist in the world today. In fact, if your are a Christain, you are also a "Priest" when you spread the word about your religion.

What is the minister of the Catholic Church?

The ordained ministries in the Catholic Church are deacons, priests and bishops. There are also other extraordinary ministers but they are not ordained. Am example would be a Eucharistic minister.

How do I legally carry out a wedding ceremony?

In order to carry out a wedding ceremony, a person must be ordained as a minister, rabbi, priest. A person can also carry out a wedding as a justice of the peace.

Who administers confirmation?

The ordinary minister of Confirmation is a bishop, usually of the same diocese as the confirmand. In cases of emergency, special faculties can be extended to a priest, who is then the extraordinary minister of Confirmation.